Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

XIX-B1, 2012 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B1, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
Integrating knowledge into a processing strategy provides much 
needed flexibility. However, it is clear that knowledge varies at 
different stages. This variation depends mainly on type, 
amount, and the quality of knowledge available during 
processing, as well as on the ability to connect different sources 
and domains of knowledge (related to objects, algorithms, 
scenes, data and so on). Additionally, knowledge should 
increase step by step based on the quality of results collected 
from concrete applications. Success will also clearly increase 
with increasing amounts of available knowledge. We therefore 
distinguish different scenarios. 
2.1. The Scenarios 
2.1.1. Known objects, known positions 
Detailed knowledge (exact positions and characteristics) of 
objects already exists in such cases. The knowledge base 
(“KB”) supports the processing for verification. 
2.1.2. Known objects, unknown positions 
This case reflects a typical situation, in which knowledge about 
scene objects exists but not their location in the data. The KB 
that provides the scene knowledge interacts with the processing 
knowledge to determine the probable sequences that detect the 
objects and derive their location. 
2.1.3. Unknown objects, unknown positions 
This is the most complex case, in which only generic 
knowledge about the scene exists. In such cases, the KB 
recommends the detected geometries to their object types 
through examining the semantics defined against them. 
2.2. The Iterative Approach of Classification 
This approach is used to derive concrete detection from a 
generic base. We call it the “Iterative Semantic Classification 
Method” or ISCM. Semantic Figure 1 illustrates the iteration 
method. Details on it will be presented in further sections. 
Knowledge Knowledge 
Detected ijscis 
Figure . ISCM (a) Basic knowledge framework (b) Knowledge 
The initial knowledge is mainly a schema that represents the 
scene and the processing knowledge. It is hence not a concrete 
knowledge source (fig.la). It has to be enriched with real 
objects in the course of the iterative process. The knowledge is 
refined after every step of processing, through the population of 
the results into the knowledge schema. It thus transforms the 
knowledge schema into a concrete and comprehensive 
knowledge base (fig. 1b). 
2.2.1. Knowledge Domains 
Building on the works of Pu (2010) and Maillot & Thonnat 
(2008), knowledge of algorithmic processing is related to that 
of objects in the scene in order to support their detection. In this 
manner, the mapping of algorithmic knowledge to the scene and 
objects can infer processing, and determines which algorithms 
are best suited for any particular characteristic of the objects. 
This process makes the methodology scene independent. 
The knowledge domains of Algorithms and Scene are mapped 
through rules, which are related to geometry, topology etc. 
These mappings infer best suitable algorithms or algorithmic 
sequence for detecting geometries. Once detected, they are 
related to their corresponding objects inside the KB. The 
preexisting scene knowledge is then used for verification. 
Beside these two, other supporting knowledge domains provide 
significant supports. They are seamlessly integrated within the 
knowledge schema through their semantic interpretation and 
relationship to the main knowledge domains. 
The solution is based on knowledge technologies of the 
Semantic Web (Berners-Lee, 1998) framework. The WiDOP 
platform uses knowledge technologies like Web Ontology 
Language (Bechhofer, et al., 2004), (Patel-Schneider, Hayes, & 
Horrocks, 2004) or the Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL) 
(Horrocks, et al., 2004). The knowledge equations used here are 
based on Description Logics (DL) which is core in the rapid 
development of the knowledge technologies. The next section 
discusses the ontology schema of the WiDOP platform 
(expressed in OWL) to demonstrate its robustness to adapt into 
any structural domain. 
2.2.2. Ontology Schema 
The top level knowledge is illustrated in figure 2. The top level 
classes of algorithmic and scene knowledge are represented 
through the top level classes Algorithms and DomainConcept 
respectively. The class Algorithms constitutes the algorithmic 
knowledge through a taxonomical hierarchy, and semantic rules 
through restrictions. Similarly, the class DomainConcept 
presents the scene knowledge through a hierarchical structure 
reflecting the objects in the scene and semantic rules. 
The basic ontology schema provides an overview of the scene 
and processing knowledge, defining what knowledge exists in 
different domains and how they are interrelated. They are 
defined by rules which facilitate selecting the algorithms and 
define the strategy to detect the objects in the scene. 
- TEENS Re, 
( Algorithms ) LEN € =. 
a pt hasToplology Z^ es 
— ow y 
— ... hasDataSet 
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isDesignedFor MDomainConcept i hasCharacteristics 
| T yarn 
l hasGeometry / \ 
BE ~& 3 Characterstics ) 
f > 
( Geometry )-— hasCharacterstics i Men e 
poe — 
Figure . General overview of ontology schema 

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