XXIX-B3, 2012
> was applied to the
surface variation and
10.10m, respectively,
for verification of
lly outlined building
eference wall facades
s and completeness.
1gth of the extracted
| of all extracted lines.
igth of the extracted
igth of the reference
cm which we believe
le in this research.
s of verification
10ds described in the
oud of the Enschede
s were extracted and
ian be seen that the
. as planar segments
s non-planar (shown
nschede is quite flat,
several large planar
in Figure 6. On the
) while the 3D wall
exist in wall facades.
5. It was also noticed
>getation area. These
1e to their sizes are
schede site.
ed in white)
Enschede data.
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B3, 2012
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia
Finally, the wall facades were modelled using the information
of building roof structures. The roof segments, eaves and roof
ridges were explored to determine the wall extent and corners.
Several examples are given in Figure 7. The initial wall outlines
in Figure 7(b) were derived by detected wall points. Initial
outlines were incomplete and incorrect. After modelling using
building roof structure information, the wall boundary and
corners were determined in Figure 7(c). The 3D models of the
full buildings are shown in Figure 7(d).
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Figure 7. Detection of cubic buildings. (a) point cloud of
original building; (b) detected wall outlines; (c)
constraint wall outlines; (d) wall facade cubes
Figure 8. Result of Melbourne campus site. (a) raw data, (b)
detected planar points (red) and non-planar points
(green), (c) generated segments, (d) reconstructed
The wall reconstruction performance for the Melbourne data is
shown in Figure 8. The algorithms worked equally well, even
considering that the point density was lower than in the
Enschede data. Once again, the planar points (roof points,
terrain points) and non-planar points (vegetation points, roof
ridge points) were successfully detected, as indicated in Figure
8(b). Planar segments, including roof façades and ground
surfaces were derived by region growing using the planar seed
points, as seen in Figure 8(c). Although only a small number of
walls were illuminated by the LIDAR sensor due to the flight
pattern, these walls were successfully extracted. An example of
reconstructed walls is shown in Figure 8(d).
This paper has presented a methodology for automated
reconstruction of building walls from airborne LIDAR data. All
procedures have been detailed, including point cloud
segmentation and classification, wall reconstruction and
modelling. The developed approaches have been tested using
different datasets. Experimental results are presented.
Segmentation plays a critical role in point cloud processing,
particularly for object reconstruction. To achieve high quality
segmentation, new approaches to search range determination
and seed point selection have been proposed and implemented.
Adaptive determination of search range can efficiently
accommodate varying point cloud densities. Results show that
PCA is an effective method to select planar points for
segmentation. Thus, non-planar points, such as vegetation
points, can be avoided from beginning. In both test sites, in
Europe and Australia, all the roof segments, wall segments and
planar ground segments were correctly extracted and modelled
from the LIDAR point cloud, even though the point density was
very different in each case. Thus, the developed segmentation
method can be also used for roof reconstruction and terrain
extraction. This method may also be applicable for tree
detection upon further refinement.
The experiments conducted have also shown that the wall plane
can be determined from LIDAR points. However, LIDAR
points alone are not sufficient to decide the wall boundaries.
The extent and corners of extracted wall planes can be
reconstructed with geometrical and topological relations
between the wall and the roof structures. This modelling process
proved to be powerful. Verification of correctness and
completeness is preformed. Even though correctness is
relatively higher than completeness, both are low due to point
The reconstructed walls together with the 3D roofs generate
complete 3D building models. Unfortunately, many walls
cannot be reconstructed from the LIDAR point cloud since they
are not ‘seen’ by the sensor. With the decreasing cost of
airborne LIDAR, oblique scanning for dense wall point cloud
coverage may well be more practical in the future.
The sensitive of parameter setting and accuracy of segmentation
result should be further investigated. Future research will refine
the method for wall reconstruction and in general for building
reconstruction. For instance, the current method reconstructs
roofs and walls separately. New approaches may be researched
to more efficiently explore the inherent relationships between
different parts of a building so as to generate comprehensive
building models with simultaneous roof and wall extraction and