Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B3, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
airborne system over relatively flat horizontal terrain and cannot 
be applied for terrestrial laser scans. 
The shortcomings of the aforementioned approaches mandate 
the development of alternative methods for the local point 
density estimation. In this paper, new approaches are proposed 
for the estimation of local point density indices. These 
approaches aim to derive unique/accurate point density values 
for individual LiDAR points while considering the 3D 
relationships among them and physical properties of the 
surfaces they belong to. Furthermore, the implication of 
considering the varying point density in different LiDAR data 
processing activities will be highlighted in this paper. 
The paper starts with the introduction of the proposed 
approaches for local point density estimation. In the following 
section, the impact of considering the local point density indices 
on some of LiDAR data processing activities is pointed out and 
discussed. In the next section, the performance of the proposed 
methods for local point density estimation and the impact of 
considering these local indices on LiDAR data processing 
results are evaluated through experimental results using 
airborne and terrestrial LiDAR datasets. Finally, concluding 
remarks and recommendations for future research work will be 
This section introduces alternative methodologies for the 
estimation of local point density indices. These methods try to 
overcome the shortcomings of previous approaches by 
considering the 3D relationships among the points and the 
physical properties of the surfaces enclosing the individual 
In the following subsections, the detailed explanation of these 
approaches is presented and their advantages and disadvantages 
are pointed out. 
2.1 Approximate Method 
In this method, the local point density index for each point is 
computed while only considering the distribution of the points 
within its spherical neighbourhood. This neighbourhood is 
defined to include n-neighbours of the point in question 
( Figure 1), where n is a pre-specified number of neighbouring 
Figure 1. 3D neighbourhood of the point in question (POI) 
For a given LiDAR point, the local point density (LPD) is 
estimated as follows: 
part (1) 
Where zr, is the area of the circle centred at the point in 
question with a radius (r,) that is equivalent to the distance from 
this point to its n"-nearest neighbour. 
This approach provides a unique estimate of the local point 
density for all the points in a LIDAR dataset in a fast and simple 
manner. Therefore, this approach can be efficiently utilized for 
in-flight quality assessment of the collected LiDAR point cloud. 
However, it suffers from the following shortcomings: 
- lt does not consider the physical properties of the 
surface which the point in question and its neighbouring 
points belong to. 
—  ltassumes a uniform distribution of the points in the 3D 
space defined by the point in question and its 
neighbouring points. 
2.2 Eigen-value Analysis of the Dispersion of Neighbouring 
In order to resolve the first drawback of previous method, this 
approach estimates the local point density only when the point 
in question and its neighbouring points define a planar region. 
In this method, a spherical neighbourhood of the point in 
question is initially defined. This neighbourhood encloses the n- 
nearest neighbours of the point in question, where n is the 
number of points needed for reliable plane definition while 
considering the possibility of having some outliers. The 
planarity of the established 3D neighbourhood is investigated 
using the eigen-value analysis of the dispersion matrix of the 
(n1) points within the spherical neighbourhood of the point in 
question relative to their centroid (C) (Figure 2). 
Figure 2: Dispersion of the points within the established 3D 
neighbourhood relative to their centroid 
This dispersion matrix (Ci) is computed as follows (Pauly et al., 
1 n+1 > — = 1 
c eR iz (5, EX. F nod = Veentroid y 
n+1 (2) 
where TI = IX, y. Z2 I 
> 1 n+l_, 
, and T. ntroid = n zl E 1; 
The eigen-value decomposition of the dispersion matrix (Cj) 
results in three eigen values (Ai, A5, A34). For planar 
neighbourhoods, one of the eigen values will be quite small 
when compared to the other two eigen values. This eigen value 
corresponds to the eigen vector which is perpendicular to the 
plane passing through those points. Once the planarity of the 
established neighbourhood is confirmed, the local point density 
is estimated in the same way as the approximate approach. This 
approach overcomes the first drawback of the approximate 
method by considering the planarity of the surface enclosing the 
point in question. However, it still assumes a uniform 
distribution of the points within the established 3D 
neighbourhood. This approach also has the following 
— It does not check whether the point in question belongs 
to the planar surface passing through the neighbouring 
points or not. 
— When the majority of the points in the established 3D 
neighbourhood are coplanar, non-coplanar points are 
considered in the estimation of the local point density. 
To resolve these problems, the planarity of the established 3D 
neighbourhood is checked using the eigen-value analysis of the 
dispersion matrix of the neighbouring points within the 
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