Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

XXXIX-B3, 2012 
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utomatic generation 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B3, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
Li Hui-ying®, Xu Yu-jun *, Wang Zhi?, Lu Yi-nan^ 
* College of Computer Science and Technology, Jilin University, Qianjin Str.2699, Changchun City, 130012, China 
- lihuiying(2)jlu.edu.cn 
? College of Resources and Civil Engineering, Northeastern University, Shenyang, 110819,China - 
KEY WORDS: LIDAR, DTM, Road Extraction 
Growing demand for an efficient land use above and below the ground is motivating cadastre and land management systems to 
move from traditional 2D systems toward three dimensional ones. Airborne laser technology offers direct acquisition of dense 
and accurate 3D data. In order to get 3D road this paper proposes a hierarchical algorithm to extract terrain point from LIDAR 
data. We stratify the raw LiDAR data according to the height, judge terrain points and non-terrain points by the connectivity. In 
the case of road network, it indicates the morphological characteristics of network structure with a certain length continuous strip 
and small difference in intensity. All these information, including elevation information, the intensity information, the 
morphological characteristics and other local features, are used for extracting the road network from DTM. Local morphological 
filtering method is implementing for finding clear boundaries and rich details of the road profile. Following the presentation of 
the algorithm results for this approach are shown and evaluated 
Using the LiDAR(Light Detection And Ranging) technology, 
we can obtain the 3-D information of the earth surface quickly 
and accurately[1]. By contrast with traditional 
photogrammetry, the 3D urban data capturing using LiDAR is 
of higher speed, higher vertical accuracy and lower cost [2]. 
Road extraction from remotely sensed data is a challenging 
issue and has been approached in many different ways by 
Photogrammetric and digital image processors. Some of the 
methods are quite complex and require the fusion of several 
data sources or different scale space images. Most of the 
existing road extraction algorithms use the method of 
clustering or growth. Such as Jeong-Heon Song makes an 
assessment of possibility with intensity data to classify the 
point cloud[3] ,and Farhad Samadzadegan use classifier 
fusion method [5]. Liang Gong uses K-means clustering 
algorithm to detect roads based on intensity return and the 3D 
information of LiDAR data [1]. But these methods only 
consider the intensity value of LiDAR data. In practice, the 
classification methods, which only use the intensity values, 
are difficult to achieve accurate classification results. The 
clustering methods often require pre-machine learning and the 
different regions have different roads characteristics. 
Therefore, the clustering methods have difficulties in 
producing accurate extraction results of different types of 
roads. Thus the clustering methods do not have broad 
applicability. In the case of region growing approach, it is not 
only has a great dependence on the seeds, but also high time 
complexity. This paper describes a new method of the 
automatic DTM generation and road extraction and tries to 
overcome the lack of methods mentioned above. 
Generalization DTM from LiDAR data was often used to 
extract 3D road. It computes the points cloud to access DTM, 
then sets a certain threshold, and let point in point cloud 
subtract DTM , if the value is greater than threshold then 
delete it. This method cost high time complexity. This article 
will use a hierarchical algorithm to divide the original data 
according to the height. Through the judgement of empty 
holes produced by stratification, rule out points unground. 
For the purpose of this paper, we define LIDAR data point as 
P; = (px,lpy,lpz,lpi) () 
where [px ; Ipy , and lpz represent the last pulse laser 
strike 3D coordinates and lpi represents the intensity of the 
point. Let S represents the set of all laser points, 
S iD. pt (2) 
The creation of the layer is defined by (3). 
Sz, = {p, €S: jxAt < Pig, ÉO+UxA © 
where SZ, denotes the j-th layer , Pip: is the last pulse z 
coordinate of p. is the number of the layer and Af is 
the thickness of the layer. Then we get these layers as shown 
in Figure 1. 
Due to the change trend of the ground is slow and connect to 
each other, it produces a large slice connected area (shown in 
Figure 1) in a horizontal section. The large connection areas 
are ground. 
* Corresponding author. Lu Yi-nan ; Tel: +8613504330645;Email:luyn@jlu.edu.cn 

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