Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

XIX-B3, 2012 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B3, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
Based on the geometric characteristics of a building's roof, 
LIDAR points located at the building boundaries have greater 
elevation differences. Additionally, these boundary points have 
explicit permutations that follow the roof shape. For this spatial 
phenomenon, this study proposes using topological elevation 
analysis (TEA) to identify the structure lines instead of 
threshold selection. This topological analysis concept was 
originally developed to detect edges for grayscale images (Lo 
and Chen, 2011). TEA then extends their concepts to manage 
point clouds. 
Because the analyses of spatial relation between each point may 
need mass computation, many previous studies indicate that to 
convert point clouds into grid format can enhance speed for 
detection process (Cho et al., 2004). However, the traditional 
rasterization may disturb elevations due to interpolation 
processes. To avoid information loss, Cho et al. (2004) 
proposed a pseudo-grid concept to assign the original elevation 
to each grid from raw data without interpolation. The grid 
spacing can be calculated from the average point density of 
LIDAR data. Based on this merit of pseudo-grid, TEA 
implements two steps to hierarchically handle point clouds for 
structure line detection. In the first step, TEA generates pseudo- 
grid digital surface models (PDSMs) using the highest point of 
each grid. Topological permutations of the elevation differences 
are then analyzed to identify local extrema for grid-based line 
detection and produce an index map. According to this index 
map, the second step employs point clouds to calculate three- 
dimensional structure lines. For evaluation, the preliminary 
results are compared with those of the octree-based split-and- 
merge segmentation algorithm (Wang and Tseng, 2010) to 
assess the relative accuracy and evaluate the applicability of the 
proposed method. 
To identify three-dimensional structure lines using point clouds, 
the topological relationship between each point must be first 
established. Considering the characteristics of local relief, this 
study proposes three major concepts: (a) possible locations of 
structure lines may contain significant elevation differences in 
the circular direction and small elevation differences in the 
radial direction; (b) one structure line can be formed by several 
basic elements in a three-by-three area; and (c) the basic 
elements may have specific permutations. Figure 1 shows the 
three-step workflow developed based on the proposed concepts, 
that is, (1) pseudo-grid generation, (2) structure line detection, 
and (3) line formation. In the proposed scheme, TEA used two 
thresholds to identify grid-based lines including the grid 
spacing and the minimum elevation difference. The grid 
spacing can be derived from the average point density. The 
elevation constraint for estimation of minimum height jump is 
regarded as a constant in the processes. 
Structure Line 
3D Line Formation 
3D Structure Lines 
Figure 1. Workflow 
2.1 Pseudo-grid rasterization 
Because the laser scanning system blind detects the geometry of 
objects with dense point clouds, the resulting data lacks 
information of the correlations between each point. In addition, 
the point density is associated with the computation. Greater 
point density can delineate detailed information, but it also 
increases the computation required. To resolve this issue, this 
study generates a PDSM to preserve the original elevation 
information. TEA is employed instead of mathematical 
interpolation to compare the point elevations and identify the 
highest elevation in each grid. After pseudo-grid generation, the 
PDSM provides the original elevation information for further 
elevation analysis. 
2.2 Structure line detection 
During the second step, topological permutations of the 
elevation differences are estimated for line detection. Local 
elevation distribution is considered to identify the structure line 
positions without threshold selection. Following the major 
concepts, the generated unit of TEA is shown in Figure 2. 
According to the characteristics of linear geometry, the 
elevation differences in the circular direction may exceed the 
differences in the radial direction for each grid (Figure 3) (Lo 
and Chen, 2011). To formulize this phenomenon, TEA employs 
two equations to represent the two-direction analyses. 
RC, =C.-T (2) 
ce = IC. = Ca 3) 
where RC; is the elevation differences in the radial direction, 
and CC; is the elevation differences in the circular direction. 
Ce | © | Ca 
C; Cs 
Figure 2. Kernel illustration 

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