Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

XIX-B3, 2012 
iere the detection 
ably fail. 
lane parameters, 
| surface, and the 
ces are supposed 
ng parts. such as 
uface normal ri 
. For the reliable 
^v, 7 in R? we 
iogonal intersec- 
xiginates. Thus, 
stimated vertical 
iraight 3D edges 
s adjustment. 
for a multi-step 
the point cloud, 
ch step. parallel 
face outlines of 
r, constructing a 
nstructing à con- 
iputation of the 
| vectors n; for 
uares sense to à 
'und and includ- 
t data assuming 
potnts with less 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B3, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
Figure 3: Left view of a detached building. Right Part of the 
derived point cloud with points of high curvature values marked 
in red 
than five neighbors within r. alternatively à five-nearest neighbor 
search is performed. Follawing (Berkmann and Caelli, 19941. an 
approximation for 11, is obtained from the eigenvalue analysis of 
the covariance matrix C; of P, defined by 
| Pie 
i 1 : t ue 
C == Purl N^ | — J LP; ze p 3 i) 
iT Fes 
with p; € P, and [its centroid. The eigenvector corresponding 
to the smallest eigenvalue Ào o£ C is a reasonable esumate of 
n,. According to (Pauly et al. 2002), an approximation of the 
curvature of Pi- is given by 
n= Aa + Ar An 
where Ao. A4. and Xs are the non-negative eigenvalues of. C; 
(Fig. 31. 
For the determination af the vertical direction v. we first per- 
form a RANSAC-baæd search. Secondly, we evaluate. points 
near straight 3D edpes to obtain additional evidence for the verti- 
cal direction. 
To compute a hypothesis of the vertical direction, we iteratively 
select randomly two distinct points p; and p; and compute the 
cross product of their normals vi; — mn; x nj. This random 
point pair selection is repeated many times. Since most buildings 
have roof areas smaller than the sum of the areas of all walls. 
we assume to find more point pairs on orthogonal walls than in 
any other combination. Thus, the biggest cluster of hypotheses 
corresponds to the vertical direction vo, which is computed by à 
least-square fit. 
We found that for all major surface variations in architectural 
scenes, Le. edges in the point clouds, the upper 3055-quantile 
of points with respect to the curvature value 7; is usually a good 
estimate, Le. we consider all points with =, > 0.7 + max(r:). 
In each iteration of our RANSAC-based search for additional ev- 
idence of the vertical direction, we randomly select two distinct 
points of thís subset of P. and construct a straight line through 
both points. If a sufficient number of points lie close to the line 
and if the line goes towards the vertical direction vo determined 
above within a tolerance of 20 degrees, we consider the line for 
an improved determination of the vertical direction v. The latter 
is obtained by applying a least-square fit to all accepted lines. 
Detection of Vertical Planes: A major goal of our work is to 
determine planar surfaces s, with surface normals n, approxi- 
matively perpendicular to v. because these surfaces can be inter- 
preted as walls of buildings or facade parts. We segment the planes 
by means of a RANSAC-based search (Schnabel et aL. 20071. 
1. Randomly select two distinct points p and q fram P. 
2. Derive plane hi from p and «qq taking v into account by 
iPolyanin and Manzhirov, 2007) 
svp, yu—hn TP 
hi:| 4 —P. d45-7P? $-—5|-0- 0. 
Ur Uu P. 
3. Compute the distance of all points in P to li;. 
4. Score lis by counting the number of points whose distance 
io the plane is smaller than a threshold which is derived from 
the metric scale ot P. 
The above steps correspond to a single iteration nf the algorithm. 
They are repeated for a predefined number of times. The best 
hypothesis is selected and refined by à least-squares fit over its 
supporting points (Fig. 41. We then look for planes parallel to the 
fitted plane by sweeping along its normal vector, Afterwards, we 
repeat the RANSAC-based plane detection. to search for planes 
with other orientations considering ouly the remainder of the 
points of P. To account for that walls in architectural scenes may 
not always be perfectly vertically oriented. a final validation step 
ensures that ali the detected planes are perpendicular to v within 
a tolerance. 
Figure 4: Three views on point cloud (blue) In red. the inlier 
points of the best plane detected by our RANSAC formulation 
(top and center), and inlier points of a detected plane with two 
clusters far balcony fronts (bottom). 
Determination of the Surface Outline: — While the detected 
planes are infinite geometric entities, we are looking for surfaces 
sa With finite well defined outlines. For this. we analyze the spa- 
tial distribution af all points supporting a plane. First, we remove 

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