Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B3, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
Figure 5: Line sweep for surface outline determination in a per- 
spective view: Points on the surface (red), the center (black 
dot), the four sweep lines (black lines) and their sweep directions 
(black arrows). 
all isolated points on the plane. Second, we perform a cluster 
analysis to obtain different surfaces on the same plane. Then for 
each cluster, we construct the convex hull, as we found that it 
gives a rough estimation of the surface outline. Finally, to deter- 
mine a more accurate estimate of the surface outline in the form 
of a rectangle, we perform four line sweeps in every cluster start- 
ing at its center, two along v and the other two orthogonal to v 
and the surface normal (Fig. 5). Candidates for the borders of 
the rectangle are taken from the convex hull and are scored by 
counting the number of inliers supporting these lines. The best 
line model per sweeping direction is chosen and a least-squares 
fit is performed for its inliers. In our experiments, we were more 
successful with this procedure than by analyzing the point den- 
sities of inliers at each sweeping step. This is due to the very 
high point density variations on doors and windows. Finally, we 
check, if there are close parallel and overlapping surfaces. In this 
case, we merge the points from those surfaces and determine the 
outline of the combined surface. 
Construction of Surface Adjacency Graph: In this step, we 
derive topological information for the surfaces and adjust the cor- 
responding parameters. After checking all pairs of distinct sur- 
faces, we recursively connect adjacent surfaces considering only 
pairs of non-parallel surfaces. If a vertical surface border ends 
inside another surface, both are connected to each other and the 
smaller surface is interpreted as building part, such as a balcony 
or an oriel. If two surfaces have very close borders, we connect 
the surfaces, interpreting them as walls. This is repeated until no 
further surfaces can be connected. After these steps gaps may 
still remain in the boundary of a building. They must be closed, 
if a closed polyhedral model for the building should be achieved 
(Fig. 6). 
We implemented our algorithms using the point cloud library by 
Rusu and Cousins (2011) and we tested our approach on several 
point clouds from image matching. For image orientation and 
derivation of a sparse point clouds, we used software similar to 
Snavely et al. (2006); Bartelsen and Mayer (2010). The sparse 
point clouds often consist of approximately 50 to 100 thousand 
points. These can be highly unequally distributed and often have 
huge gaps in the data, especially in the shadow areas. Addition- 
ally, we used the semi-global matching by Hirschmitller (2008) to 
derive significantly denser point clouds containing points in the 
range of a million and above. 
Figure 6: Rectangles derived from the segmented planes to serve 
as the basis for constructing an adjacency graph. 
We have tested our examples on a dozen point clouds derived 
from images at a small village in Southem Germany, and one ad- 
ditional data set showing the castle of Ettlingen, taken from the 
benchmark data set of (Strecha et al, 2008). On the one side, 
we tested our approach on data derived frm simply shaped build- 
ing, and on the other side, we used more difficult objects as L- 
shaped buildings, or buildings with highly decorated facades or 
with many other parts, such as balconies, oriels, and stairs. We 
present some examples on the performance of our algorithm in 
figs. 7 to H2. 
During our experiments, we restricted ourselves during all 
RANSAC searches by using a unique number of 1000 iterations. 
However, due to variation in scale from one dataset to another, 
we adapted the RANSAC threshold according to a known metric 
scale of each input point cloud. Thus, the absolute value of this 
threshold is approximately 20 cm. 
When inspecting our results, we always find the major four verti- 
cal walls af each building. Attached building parts, such as bal- 
conies and oriels, are not included in our building models, so far. 
We are able to detect smaller surfaces corresponding to minor 
building parts, but we did not consider them when constructing 
the surface adjacency graph. We will carry on with this refine- 
ment step, when modeling building on the next level-of-detail. 
Then we also consider to close the building models by additional 
roof and ground surfaces to produce consistent LOD 2 models. 
Figure 7: Left Image of building consisting of four major walls 
standing on a slope. Right: The derived point cloud consists of 
76000 points, the four major walls were successfully detected, 
segmented and connected. 
We presented an automatic approach for deriving cuboid-based 
building models from point clouds reconstructed from multiple 
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