Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

1.2. Related work 
Numerous algorithms have been developed over the years for 
the segmentation of lidar point clouds; employing both range 
images and unstructured point clouds. Vosselman and Dijkman 
(2001) use Hough transform to extract planar points and then 
perform merging and expanding operation to obtain planar roof 
faces. Alharthy and Bethel (2004) perform least squares 
moving surface analysis along with with region growing 
segmentation to extract building faces. Kim and Shan (2011) 
employ a multiphase level set approach to building roof 
segmentation and modeling. Dorninger and Nothegger (2007) 
cluster the features which define the local regression planes of 
the points and implement a region growing segmentation. 
Sampath and Shan (2010) analyze the eigenvalues in the 
voronoi neighborhood of the roof points and cluster the surface 
normals for segmentation. Filin and Pfeifer, (2006) also use 
feature clustering on 3D lidar point clouds with slope adaptive 
neighborhood. Biosca and Lerma, (2008) present an 
unsupervised fuzzy clustering based segmentation approach for 
TLS point clouds. Douillard et. al., (2011) investigate several 
methods considering data density, ground filtering, and 
clustering techniques for the segmentation of 3-D point clouds 
employing graph clustering. Golovinskiy and Funhouser, 
(2009) perform a min-cut based method for a foreground- 
background segmentation of objects in the point clouds. 
Regarding the determination of the support regions of the 
points Lalonde et. al. (2005) and Pauly et. al. (2003) investigate 
the scale factor. Regarding the connection between point 
segmentation and classification, Belton and Lichti (2006) 
outline a method for point classification by using the variance 
of the curvature in the local neighborhood of the points 
followed by a region growing segmentation on terrestrial laser 
scanning (TLS) point clouds. Lim and Suter, (2007) propose a 
method employing conditional random fields (CRF) for the 
classification of 3-D point clouds that are adaptively reduced by 
omitting geometrically similar features. Niemeyer et. al. (2008) 
also employ CRF for the supervised classification of lidar point 
clouds. Carlberg et. al. (2009) present a multi-category 
classification of point clouds using 3-D shape analysis and 
region growing. 
Our study follows the algorithms which utilize a feature vector 
to represent the properties of the point neighborhood for 
labeling the point cloud. We first label the points that are from 
a surface (e.g. roof tops, ground, etc.) or 3-D manifold scatter 
(e.g. trees) by optimizing the graph which represents the energy 
function constructed for the classification problem. Then we 
label the points that are from surfaces with different properties 
using a second graph which represents an energy function for 
the segmentation problem. 
2.1. Local neighborhood of a point 
Although there are various definitions for the neighborhood of 
an image pixel, it is intuitive to define its neighborhood due to 
the inherent structure. On the other hand, defining the 
neighborhood of a point in an unstructured point cloud is not 
straightforward. Quality of the features that represent certain 
properties of the point is dependent on the local neighborhood 
of the point. For example, a very commonly used feature, the 
normal vector of the point can be reliably estimated if its valid 
neighbors may be identified. Too many or too few points may 
affect the normal vector estimation either by degrading the 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B3, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
local characteristic or by not representing the local geometry 
(OuYang and Feng, 2005). Hence, determining an accurate 
local neighborhood of the point representative of their geometry 
is of significance. Filin and Pfeifer (2005) provide a thorough 
explanation of the properties of neighborhood systems in 
airborne lidar data. Neighborhood of a lidar point may be 
defined with a Delaunay triangulation which is the dual of the 
Voronoi tessellation of the points. This representation is widely 
used in computer vision for mesh generation. Neighborhood of 
a point is also commonly defined by its k nearest neighbors, or 
points within a volume defined by a sphere or a cylinder 
centered at the point. One should note that the selection of the 
parameters for defining the neighborhood of a point (e.g. radius 
of the sphere, number of closest points) is closely related to the 
scale. These parameters are most of the times not optimally 
2.2. Local neighborhood determination 
Different approaches exist to determine the local neighborhood 
of each point. Some of them are combinatorial algorithms like 
the Delaunay ball algorithm of Dey and Goswami (2004). 
There are also numerical approaches to estimate the optimal 
neighborhood like the iterative method of Mitra and Nguyen 
(2003). For airborne lidar point clouds, Filin and Pfeifer (2005) 
propose slope adaptive neighborhood definition. Lalonde et. al. 
(2005) investigate Mitra and Nguyen’s (2003) scale selection 
algorithm applied to data from different sensors. Lim and Suter 
(2007) also implement the same approach to determine the 
support region of the points from a TLS for CRF classification. 
Pauly et. al. (2003) determine the size of the local 
neighborhood by looking for jumps in the surface variation as 
the neighborhood size increases. In their recent study, 
Demantke et. al. (2011) propose a method to find the optimal 
neighborhood of each point. 
The eigenvalues of the covariance matrix of a point’s 
neighborhood have been employed in various studies as means 
to determine the geometric properties and structure of the local 
neighborhood (Gumhold et. al., 2001; Pauly et. al., 2003; West 
et. al, 2004; Lalonde et. al.,2005; Lim and Suter, 2007; 
Carlberg et. al., 2009; Niemeyer et. al., 2008, Demantke et. al., 
2011). We follow the method in Pauly et. al. (2003) while 
determining the neighborhood of each point for feature 
calculation. We start with a minimum number of nearest 
neighbors for each point and calculate the covariance matrix C 
of the neighborhood. Let JV, be the neighborhood of point p 
which consists of a set of k points p; (i — 1,..., k) with the 
centroid p. The covariance matrix C is calculated as 
C2 iXE.: - B(pi - p" (1) 
Pauly et. al. (2003) introduce surface variation as 
On(p)=A3/(4 + A2 + A3) (2) 
where A; < A; € A, are the eigenvalues of the covariance 
matrix C. 
We observe the change in the surface variation and detect the 
jumps as the number of neighbors increase. Figure 1 shows the 
change of surface variation with the increase in the number of 
to the 
Surface Variation 
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