Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

destruction of control points. There are two kinds of connection 
targets are used to join the point cloud and control network: 
Figurel show planar targets, a reflection patch (a) is stitch on 
the Leica HDS target (b) with its centers overlapped, the scan 
site could be measured fast and precisely with this target. 
(a) (b) 
Figurel reflection patch on HDS4500 targets 
Figure2 show sphere targets: the small reflected ball (Sphere 
targets of TCA2003 i.e.) is set on the same height with scan 
spheres, thus the scan target could be measured with high 
TCA target SITE 
Figure2 Concentric of TCA target and scan target 
2.2 Terrestrial LIDAR Scanning 
The principles of field work scan sites need to ensure in 
condition of the inter-visibility among sites, Scan sites used are 
as less as possible to cover complete object data, and the layout 
of sites should take the combined determination of control work 
into account. The setting of scanning parameters is under the 
principle to keep data utilization and scanning efficiency 
balance, and guarantee to acquire sufficient density of data in 
the shortest time, different density is set according to the scan 
distance. The whole process of field work is shown in Figure 3. 
| Design of Control | | Control Network | 
ge I ; 
EE Network | Surveying ED 
Field | & & # Scanning | 
observation d # [oo ome 
| ; s scc] |. Contribution of 
# Design of Scanning > Stations 
Figure3 Scanning Process of Large Steel structure Building 
2.3 Key Techniques in Data processing 
Internal data Processing mainly consists of data registration, 
segmentation, feature extraction and comparative analysis of 
data. The goal of data registration is mainly to put field work 
scanning data into a complete object and converse into the 
datum system of survey or design, multi-stations are registered 
with control points; data segmentation is to separate surveyed 
object out for feature extraction; point cloud data measurement 
information is hidden in the point cloud, accuracy of feature 
points collected directly through point cloud data is relatively 
low, but high accuracy after converting data into a mold, 
feature extraction is to extract measured specific feature point 
from point cloud; Finally, get the results via the overall 
comparative analysis of data. 
Steel-structure building construction survey is focus on finding 
the right feature points for comparative analysis, which are 
extracted from local geometric features of Steel construction. 
There are generally three types of extracted geometric feature: 
planar patch features, spherical and rod-shaped features. 
Common methods of these three characteristics to obtain 
feature points are introduced as following. 
3.1 Extraction of corner points 
There are many box interfaces in large Steel structure building 
construction, parts of those interfaces are always approximate to 
be planar patch features, four corners of the box interfaces get 
the design coordinates. There is chamfer in the interface of 
Steel structure in actual construction, the coordinates of the 
corner can’t be measured precisely, and then the intersection 
technology of planar patch features can be used to access the 
precise feature corner. 
According to the planar equation a, +a x+a,y=z , 
points on the planar construct equation as follows: 
0=> (a, +ax +ay, +z) (D 
In which a,,a,,a, are planar parameters, which can be 
solved by the least square method. 
In order to extract the vertex coordinates, the ridge of port need 
to be extracted firstly, then the intersection of ridge and 
interface plane is the vertex of port. As general steel structures 
all have certain thickness, when extracting the feature points, the 
differences of both internal and external surface of interface in 
the measurement results should be considered to ensure the 
accuracy of the results. Figure 4 shows corner feature extraction 
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