Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

pixels square 3D image array with <5 cm ranging 
accuracy, in real time at rates up to 30 Hz, is designated. 
3.2 Power Driving Circuit for Laser Diode 
A laser diode accompanying with its power supply is an 
important part of LIDAR system onboard UAV. The 
traditional power supply had problems in efficiency and 
bulk, has been demonstrated that it is not proper for 
application on a small low-cost civilian UAV platform. 
How to design a power supply for laser diode to meet the 
requirement of light, small, and energy efficiency, is a 
valuable work. In this paper, a novel power supply 
topology for LiDAR system on board UAV platform is 
presented. The power supply is composed of two coupled 
coils, pulse generator circuit, and a fast switch (Zhou and 
Yang, 2011). 
Coffey (2009) though that the power-supply largely 
impacts the performance of laser-diode for a given 
specification. Different methods of design and 
implementation of the laser diode power supply have 
been proposed by Cui et al. (2011), Zhou et al. (2011), 
Yang et al. (2011). A novel low power supply for DC- 
coupled 1.25 Gb/s laser diode driver is suggested by Fu 
et al. (2006). With the MAX797, driver circuit of the 
high-power laser diode was proposed by Li and Xu 
(2008). For a pulsed power modulated for high output 
power for laser fuze was proposed by Guo et al. (2011). 
The automatic power control of DC-coupled burst-mode 
laser diode was presented by Zhang et al. (2009) and Li 
et al. (2008). 
A proposed schematic diagram of the power supply for laser 
diode is depicted in Figure 7. As seen from Figure 7, 
Driving power supply is composed of two coupled coils 
(could be replaced by a pulsed transformer), a thyristor, 
TTL pulse signal, resister and capacitor [3-6]. With this 
topology of power supply, the input voltage of the power 
supply is a *28 V DC voltage from airplane, and the 
output maximum voltage is 300 V. Before the TTL pulse 
signal coming, the power supply is in a steady state. 
During this steady state, capacitor C1 is charged by the 
input voltage through R1 and L1 to +28V; the thyristor 
QI is turn off because the TTL pulse signal is in a low 
state; there is no current in L2; and the output voltage is 
0. If a pulse signal comes to the gate of the thyristor QI, 
Q1 will turn on, and C1 will release its energy through 
Q1 and L1 rapidly cause the low resistance in the circuit. 
This situation will generate a high voltage across L2; for 
L1 and L2 are strongly coupled. The voltage across L2 
can be controlled through turns ratio of L2 and L1, here 
we should choose a turns ratio of 10. Assuming the other 
parameters of the two inductors are all the same besides 
the turns ratio, the inductance of L2 will be 100 times 
larger than L1. The generated pulsed voltage is around 
300 V (voltage of L1 plus L2). The voltage generated by 
L2 is coupled to laser diode D1 through R2 and C2. 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B3, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
CI C2 
RI i 12 R2 
IE ————dr ee 
| ^n 
| Q (n A 
; =e 
- Bl E: à À | 
e | IT 
Figure 7. Schematic diagram of the power supply for laser 
In order to meet the requirement of laser diode adopted in 
LiDAR scanner onboard small UAV platform, the 
parameters of each circuit elements have been specified 
and are depicted in Figure 8. Instead of traditionally 
trying every element parameter one by one, a circuit 
model by PSpice is set up and simulation experiment is 
conducted. This method is fast and cost efficiency. 
2 2 1 
IC - 28 
1mH C3 
K Linear zb Cval1 = 100U 
Cval2 = 100p 
V2 =5V 
PW = 5US 
PER = 100US 
Figure 8. Simulation model of the power supply for laser diode 
With the above design, experiments and test, a prototype 
of power supply is produced, as shown in Fig. 9. The 
prototype of power supply is synchronous with a pulse 
signal generated by control circuit, and the output voltage 
and current adjustable to fit laser diode, and the repeat 
pulse generation is up to 1000 pulses per second. 
Figure 9. A prototype of power supply 
Experiments with simulating different flight height is 
conducted. One of experimental results with a flight 
height of 200 m is shown in Figure 10. As seen from 
Figure 10, the shape of footprint is a square with a size of 
at 4398.031 mm x 4398.031 mm in x and y axes, 
respectively, which is close to the theoretic size of 4.5 m. 
The difference between practice and theoretic values is 
102 mm. However, it is estimated that practical error may 

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