Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

r laser 
lopted in 
rm, the 
a circuit 
iment is 
ser diode 
„9. The 
a pulse 
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e repeat 
eight is 
a flight 
en from 
a size of 
y axes, 
f 4.5 m. 
/alues 1s 
rror may 
be bigger than 102 mm due to error, alignment, 
atmospheric impact, etc. In addition, the divergence 
angles in horizontal and vertical directions are almost the 
OBI: QNNM 8.28581 MM 
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14398. 03 tm 
Length of footprint 
Figure 10. Simulated footprint at a flying height of 300 m 
above local average elevation 
The laser emitting device is manufactured by Zhenhong 
LLC at Dongkuan, Guangdong, China. With the designed 
parameters by our theoretic analysis, 3D-Tool software 
is used for the visualization of laser emitting device, as 
shown in Figure 11. 3D-Tool is a powerful, cost effective 
tool that has helped customers substantially in the 
management of manufacturing technologically advanced 
products. 3D-Tool allows to see, evaluate, measure, 
cross section. 
The emitting laser component consists of basis, front and 
rear cushion, ring, tube, polysulfone sets, septa, diode 
laser, as depicted in Figure 11. Terms are as follows. 
al: base for rear lens 
a2: base for front lens 
a3: isolation piece for separating front and real lens 
a4: flatting pieces for stabling the front lens 
a5: screw tube for installing and stabling polysulfone 
a6: polysulfone for stabling laser diode 
bl: cushion (base) 
cl: lock ring for stabling tube 
dl: laser diode 
el: emitting tube with two lens, front lens and rear 
lens inside 
This paper presents the advances of the flash LiDAR 
initative with focus on light-emitting system. The 
proposed flash LiDAR is imaged with the 3D imaging 
mode, and the entire scene within the sensor's field of 
view (FOV) at a single flash of the laser. This is because 
the proposed flash LIDAR have many advantages such as 
inherently insensitive to ambient and stray light, and the 
glint and clutter outside of the expected range to the 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B3, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August - 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
target filtered and discarded. Since the flash LiDAR 
captures a complete image with each flash. This 
capability makes data pre-processing and post-processing 
extremely efficient and reliable since range, bearing, and 
pose algorithms do not have to deal with interpreting data 
from glint and clutter. Rapid frame rates, waveband 
filtering, and time gating on the return signal increase 
glint tolerance even further. Thus these advantages will 
bring significant improvement for its application in the 
traditional fields such as topographic mapping and 
disaster monitoring. 
This paper only reports a pre-mature of flash LiDAR 
technology. Extensive and on-going investigation and 
investments for a prototypes of flash LiDAR system is 
under development. The system will be tested in the 
laboratory and in-flight airplane and helicopter in field 
This paper is financially supported by GuangXi Governor 
Grant under approval number of 2010-169, China Natural 
Science Foundation under contract number 41162011, GuangXi 
Grand Natural Science Foundation under contract number, 
2011GXNSFD018001, GuangXi Grand Natural Science 
Foundation under the number of 2012GXNSFCB053005, and 
the grant of the GuangXi Key Laboratory of Spatial 
Information and Geomatics under contract number, 
GuiKeNeng110-31-08-01. The authors would thank those 
who gave us their hands in experimental design and 
technical advice. 
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