closest point §; = min 18 992951 is the conjugate point in
Figure 1(c).
2.3 Precision and Reliability
Precision and reliability are the two basic factors for quality
analysis of adjustment systems. The theoretical precision of
unknown parameters and the correlation coefficient matrix are
also an important basis for the procedure of least squares
solution (Li and Yuan, 2002). The theoretical precision O;
and the correlation coefficient can be estimated from a co-
factor matrix of unknown parameters.
0, = 000; » Ju E Qu 7 (4'PASP)" (14)
To detect the gross error of the observation, a simple and
efficient weight function is used in our robust estimation
0 |v,|» Ko,
= (15)
lL |v ds Ko,
In equation (15), when the gross observed value is detected, its
weight will be set to zero P — () , in other case, the weight of
the observed value will be set to one P =] In our
experiment, when the constant K is set to 6 or 7, the
adjustment system has a good performance to estimate the
unknown parameters.
2.4 Compared with Existing Methods
The procedure of LS3D proposed above is separated into two
parts, the adjustment model and the conjugate points rule. The
adjustment model can be derived form the formula of the
Euclidean distance. So, it is easy to adapt to new conjugate
points rules and good for some special applications. In this
section, we show the differences between our method and
existing methods.
* compared with Gruen's method
The most important factors for adjustment process are the
coefficient items and constant item of the error equation. Gruen
and Akca (2005) derived the error coefficients under certain
assumptions and lacking of rigorous mathematical formula.
They proposed that the vector
[0D / 0t,, 0D / 0t, , OD / Ot,] is only related with the
coefficients of a local triangle plane. Hence, if the matching
point does locate the same triangle, the vector values are
constant. But under the rigorous derivation of our formula, the
vector [OD / 0t,, 0D / Ot, , OD / Ot, Y may be changed,
even if the local triangle has not changed during the iteration
procedure and the vector values are related with the three
coordinate components of current conjugate points. Another
difference is the constant item of error equation. In Gruen’s
method, they define the conjugate points distance as constant
item directly, but we use the square value because of the
smaller amount of computation. Especially, we found Gruen's
method maybe need quite good approximations and we are less
after similar iteration times, under the same priori weights of
the unknown parameters.
* compared with ICP method
ICP method is a linear squares solution for estimation of the 6-
parameters between two point sets. So, ICP needs a relatively
high number of iterations in some tests (Pottmann et al. 2004).
Another difference is that conjugate points of LS3D can be
obtained using interpolation on a 3D surface but ICP needs real
points. So LS3D can achieve higher accuracy in many cases,
especially in the co-registration routine of different resolution
point clouds.
* compared with Rosenholm's method
Rosenholm's adjustment model can be considered as the
special form of our approach. If we define the conjugate points
as Figure 1(c), the equation (5) can be derived to
Dz(z—z Ne , Which is the same as Rosenholm's model. In
many cases, the registration accuracy of this model is limited,
because it can only meet the discrepancy in z direction of two
point sets.
Strip adjustment is a relevant problem for the post-processing
of airborne laser scanner data. 3D surface matching is a typical
data-driven method of strip adjustment. The transformation
parameters of the adjacent strips can be estimated by a least
squares routine. Each strip can be seen as a single surface, and
the conjugate points can be interpolated by one of the finite
element methods discussed in section 2.2.
* m
&. *
* *
x wl
(a) (b)
Figure 2. Surface matching for laser scanning strips: (a)
overlapping area on conjugate surfaces, (b) Estimating
transformation parameters with conjugate points.
In this work, we are aimed to use primitives, which can be
derived with minimal pre-processing of the original laser
scanner point clouds. To satisfy the 3D surface matching
procedure, we chose one strip of the original points, while the
other strip is represented by a triangulated irregular network
Figure 3. Interpolation of conjugate points between
template surface and searching surface in LS3D routine.
In Figure 3, ¢ can be interpolated by the vertex coordinates
of local finite elements in Tri( A, D, C) :
Two practical examples are given to show the capabilities of
our proposed method. All experiments were carried out using
software based on C code that runs on a MS Windows
operating system. In order to increase the accuracy of
conjugate points between adjacent strips, it is necessary to
label terrain points and off-terrain points by a fast filtering