International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B1, 2012
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia
Joon-Mook Kang *, Seung-Hee Baek", Kap-Yong Jung * *
* Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, Chungnam National University
99 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, ROK -,
? Department of Environment & Ecology Research, Chungnam Development Institute
101 Geumheung-dong, Gongju-si, Chungcheongnam-do, ROK -
Commission III, WG III/3
KEY WORDS: Satellite Imagery, Agricultural Facility, Image Classification, Formosat-2, Remote Sensing
Now that the agricultural facilities are being increase owing to development of technology and diversification of agriculture and
the ratio of garden crops that are imported a lot and the crops cultivated in facilities are raised in Korea, the number of vinyl
greenhouses is tending upward. So, it is important to grasp the distribution of vinyl greenhouses as much as that of rice fields, dry
fields and orchards, but it is difficult to collect the information of wide areas economically and correctly. Remote sensing using
satellite imagery is able to obtain data of wide area at the same time, quickly and cost-effectively collect, monitor and analyze
information from every object on earth. In this study, in order to analyze the utilization of satellite imagery at detection of
agricultural facility, image classification was performed about the agricultural facility, vinyl greenhouse using Formosat-2 satellite
imagery. The training set of sea, vegetation, building, bare ground and vinyl greenhouse was set to monitor the agricultural facilities
of the object area and the training set for the vinyl greenhouses that are main monitoring object was classified and set again into 3
types according the spectral characteristics. The image classification using 4 kinds of supervise classification methods applied by the
same training set were carried out to grasp the image classification method which is effective for monitoring agricultural facilities.
And, in order to minimize the misclassification appeared in the classification using the spectral information, the accuracy of
classification was intended to be raised by adding texture information. The results of classification were analyzed regarding the
accuracy comparing with that of naked-eyed detection. As the results of classification, the method of Mahalanobis distance was
shown as more efficient than other methods and the accuracy of classification was higher when adding texture information. Hence
the more effective monitoring of agricultural facilities is expected to be available if the characteristics such as texture information
including satellite images or spatial pattern are studied in detail.
1. INTRODUCTION proportion of house plantation is high. Also, with the high
profitability of recent facility cultivation, conversion from
Now that the agricultural facilities are being increase owing to
diversification of agriculture and the ratio of garden crops that
are imported a lot and the crops cultivated in facilities are raised
in Korea, the number of vinyl greenhouses is tending upward.
So, it is important to grasp the distribution of vinyl greenhouses
as much as that of rice fields, dry fields and orchards, but it is
difficult to collect the information of wide areas economically
and correctly. Remote sensing using satellite imagery is able to
obtain data of wide area at the same time, quickly and cost-
effectively collect, monitor and analyze information from every
object on earth (Hwang, 2007). In this study, Jeju Island, Korea
selected as the study area and the effective classification
method is suggested for vinyl greenhouse detection through the
image classification of various kinds by using high resolution
satellite image.
In the study site Seogwipo, Jeju Island, Korea, agriculture
along with tourism business has developed with warm
temperate climate, especially as a lot of fruit-growing and
tropical fruit cultivation is done, it is an area where the
* Corresponding author.
outdoors cultivation to facility cultivation is actively processed,
so it is an area where the continuous grasp of vinyl greenhouse
is important. The study site is presented on Fig. 1.
Figure 1. Study Area
This study carried out the supervised classification by the
parallel-piped classification, minimum distance classification,
maximum likelihood classification, Maharanobis distance
classification using the Formosat-2 satellite image of the study