Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

iwan. In 2008, 
Square meter 
acing reached 
is designed to 
08 by a DMC 
AR points of 
ng boundaries 
'or validation, 
estimate the 
RMSESs). The 
ach 3-4 pixels. 
n Case I, 
n Case II 
Figure 7. Registration result 
(a)(c) Projected lines from LIDAR data before registration, 
(b)(d) Projected lines from LIDAR data after registration 
Unit: pixel RMSE-sample RMSE-line 
Case I 3.946 2.671 
Case II 3.701 3.21] 
Table 1. Comparison results 
This investigation proposed an edge-based scheme to register 
the correspondence between a single aerial image and airborne 
LIDAR data. The registered quality reached 3-4 pixels in the 
image space because of several factors. These include PDSM 
resolution, shadow areas, and occlusions. These factors may 
cause certain redundant lines and interfere with the current 
registration procedure. Future work will improve the 
registration ability with local modification to reduce the 
influence of these redundant lines. 
This study was partially supported by the National Science 
Council, Taiwan, under project number 99-2221-E-008-079- 
MY3. The authors would like to thank the Department of Land 
Administration, M.O.I., for the aerial imagery and LIDAR data. 
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