Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

X-B3, 2012 
mes “center of 
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for selected part. 
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: its center of 
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by any existing 
point cloud and 
of these images. 
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ould be used for 
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most of facades 
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atched edges are 
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Depending on 
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ie node point are 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B3, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
calculated as the point of intersection between the plane and the 
ray running from the center of projection through the image 
3.1 Realisation of method 
For experimental testing of the proposed method software 
package was created. This package consists of two parts 
implemented in C++ and in MATLAB. 
Compiled C++ application allows loading of raster images 
saved in device independent bitmap. If distortion parameters are 
set, image transformation is performed. Transformed image 
visualized on the screen for referencing and vectorization. 
Point cloud loaded from PTS and PTX files — formatted text 
files. After loading points are saved into special file format and 
indexed. This operation is made for increasing of total 
productivity of calculation and visualization. And furthermore 
maximum number of loaded points in point cloud is limited 
only by free hard disk space, because only needed part of data is 
loaded in operative memory. 
The point cloud could be visualized in 3D window. User 
initiates segmentation of the point cloud and photographic 
image. After that quasi image is created and passed to 
MATLAB, where SIFT algorithm is implemented. SIFT gives 
tie points. Tie points are returned back to application where 
external orientation parameters of the photography image are 
calculated using Least Squares Method. After calculating of the 
orientation parameters operator is able to initiate automatic edge 
extraction. Besides of that operator is able to create vectors 
manually, edit vectors or delete them. Created data could be 
visualized in 2D window with photography image and in 3D 
window with point cloud. The result is saved in vector format. 
3.2 Test site 
Test object is the facade of building with regular and irregular 
elements. Point cloud captured by the terrestrial laser scanner 
Topcon GLS-1000. Photographic images are captured by the 
digital camera CANON EOS. The camera is calibrated in 
MIIGAIK laboratory. 
Figure 2. Extracted edges. Quasi image (left) and photography 
Figure 3. Corresponding points. 
9 points out of 18 are matched, 7 of them were automatically 
excluded after superposition analyses and two of them were 
excluded during adjustment. 
RMS of the tie points is 0.9 pixel (1 pixel is 0.0055mm). 
Total number of automatically extracted edges is 800, approved 
is 490. Most of them needed to be corrected. 
Control measurements performed by the measuring type had 
shown mean error of the created vectors below 0.016m. 
The first experimental result shown advantages and 
disadvantages of the proposed method. Automatically extracted 
corresponding points should be corrected manually by operator 
in case of facades with mostly regular image elements. Process 
of automatic tie point extraction should be improved. The 
process of geometric edge extraction should also be improved 
for increasing of total accuracy. 
Three more test objects are prepared for future tests. It is three 
different facades: simple façade with regular elements (12 
images, 2.4 million points); simple with irregular elements (8 
images, | million points) and complex facade of church (12 
images, 10 million points). 
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Terrestrial laserscanning and photogrammetry — acquisition 
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digital image texture onto 3D model from LIDAR data. The 
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Ayman Zureiki, Michel Roux, 2009. Ortho-rectified façade 
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