methodology utilizes rectangular models which are derived
from LiDAR data and are adjusted during the model-based
image fitting process.
The structure of this paper is as follows: after a detailed
explanation of the proposed methodology (Section 2),
preliminary results are presented in Section 3. Section 4
presents concluding remarks.
As mentioned in the previous section, LIDAR data is a good
source to detect buildings and generate initial boundaries
based on the data-driven approaches. However, the quality of
the derived boundaries is affected by the point density of the
LiDAR data. Therefore, post-processing to regularise the
boundary is required. The most popular approaches for the
regularization include imposing constraints such as regularity,
parallelism of buildings' sides, connectivity between lines,
and integrating the boundaries with images (Brenner, 2005;
Dorninger and Pfeifer, 2008).
In this research, sets of rectangular models are derived from
LiDAR data, and the quality of model boundaries are
improved by the incorporation of images. For this, LiDAR
data is processed to generate planar building segments
(Section 2.1), and the initial boundaries are regularised as
sets of rectangles which will be used as input for the model-
based image fitting. Recursive Minimum Bounding
Rectangle (MBR) is introduced to generate initial rectangular
models (Section 2.2), and then the initial models will be
adjusted during a sequential MBR adjustment (Section 2.3).
2.1 Initial LiDAR processing: building detection
First, to detect the possible buildings which can be used as
initial building models, this research uses the segmentation
methodology proposed by Lari et al. (2011). The
segmentation process identifies individual regions with
similar attributes and extracts useful features - in this case
planar rooftops. This methodology starts with organising the
LiDAR points using kd-tree structure to speed up the process.
The proposed methodology considers varying point densities
by calculating local point densities which determines the size
of the neighbourhood. The points are classified as planar
points or rough points using the neighbouring points during
an iterative plane fitting, and these are grouped based on their
proximity. The clustering procedure will be carried out on the
grouped neighbouring points that have been classified as
being part of planar surfaces. After the segmentation
procedure, ground / non-ground classification is performed to
filter out the ground points (Lari and Habib, 2012). Planar,
non-ground group of points whose size and height are larger
than predefined thresholds, are considered as possible
buildings. Finally, the Modified Convex Hull algorithm is
applied to generate boundaries (Sampath and Shan, 2007). As
mentioned before, the initial traced boundaries from LiDAR
data show irregular characteristics that need to be regularised.
In this research, the regularisation will be carried out using
rectangular models based on a model-based approach. The
choice of the model parameters and decomposition of the
complex buildings into rectangular models in an automatic
way will be discussed in the following sections.
2.2 Selection of model: Rectangular model
Traditionally, building models are defined using six pose
parameters: three of which define the model’s origin using
coordinates of a reference point while the other three define
the rotation angles between the model space and the object
space. Another set of parameters is the relevant shape
parameters. The most basic model is the one using the box
primitives. In case of such model, three shape parameters,
which are the length, width, and height of the box, are
required. However, in imagery, rooftops and footprints of
buildings cannot be observed at the same time. On the other
hand, the vertical accuracy of LiDAR data is higher than the
horizontal one. Therefore in this research the heights of the
buildings are determined from LiDAR; this simplifies the
box model down to a rectangular model. The heights of the
buildings and the vertical positions of the reference points are
calculated based on the plane parameters from the
segmentation. Also, the rotation angles which determine the
slope and aspect of the building rooftops with respect to the
object space are derived using the surface normal information
from the LiDAR data. The final parameters in this research
then become the three out of six pose parameters (i.e., the
horizontal positions of the reference point and one rotation
angle for the orientation of the building) and the two out of
three shape parameters (the length and width of the building).
The justification of this choice of the final model parameters
is explained in detail in Habib et al. (2011). The chosen
model parameters will be adjusted using edge pixel
information from available images through a least-square
2.3 Initial model parameter generation: Recursive MBR
This section discusses how to derive the initial model
parameters automatically as input parameters for the model-
based image fitting. Since rectangular models are chosen as
the basic model, the MBR algorithm is applied to regularise
the initial LiDAR-derived boundaries and decompose them
into rectangles. MBR is the rectangle with minimum area
among the rectangles of arbitrary orientation which contain
all the vertices of a LIDAR boundary (Freeman and Shapira,
1975; Chaudhuri and Samal, 2007). MBR generation of a
simple rectangular building is described in Habib et al.
(2011). For complex buildings which are comprised of
multiple rectangles, the MBR algorithm can be applied
recursively. First, the MBR algorithm is applied to the initial
LiDAR-derived boundary points and the 1* level MBR is
generated. Then the initial boundary points, which do not
overlap with the 1* level MBR, are found and then projected
onto the sides of the 1% level MBR. Using the non-
overlapping boundary points and their projected counterparts,
the MBR algorithm is applied again to derive the 24 level
MBR(s). The same procedure is repeated until there is no
LiDAR boundary point left. As a result of the recursive MBR,
different MBR levels are derived and by alternating
subtraction and addition of each level, the final shape can be
generated. However, to improve the horizontal accuracy of
the final product, these MBRs are used as initial models for
the model-image fitting. Next section describes how these
different levels of MBRs are adjusted sequentially during the
image fitting process.
2.4 Sequential MBR adjustment using imagery
The MBRs derived from LiDAR give a good approximation
for the adjustment. The main objective of the model-based
the r
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