Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

approach has several major advantages over other methods on 
DSM data. Firstly, segmentation is achieved mainly by local 
computation. Secondly, unlike other artificial neural network 
approaches, it does not ask for training data. Thirdly, this 
neural oscillator network need not always produce periodic 
behavior (Wang, 2007). Finally, the neural oscillator network 
approach is a dynamic system with parallel and neutrally 
implementable computation (Wang and Terman, 1997). Thus, 
we use LEGION scheme to address the problem with no 
assumption about the underlying structures in DSM data and no 
prior knowledge regarding the number of regions to extract 
building objects. 
LEGION is a network of Terman-Wang oscillators which 
comprise a large class of nonlinear dynamic systems, and arise 
naturally from  neuron-physiological systems(Wang and 
Terman, 1995). Based on temporal correlation theory, LEGION 
can address the binding problem by using a biologically 
plausible representation. Each oscillator in the LEGION 
network connects excitatorily with the oscillators in its 
neighborhoods as well as inhibitorily with a global inhibitor. 
2.1 Original LEGION Algorithm 
The basic unit of LEGION is a relaxation oscillator defined as a 
feedback loop between an excitatory variable xi and an 
inhibitory yi, where x-nullcline is a cubic function and the y- 
nullcline is a sigmoid function. It is described as follow. 
x -23x-x -2-y -LH(p,-0)*-8,* p (1) 
y, =e(y(1+ tanh(x, / B)) — y,) 
In this formula, li represents external stimulation to the 
oscillator. H(p;-6), a Heaviside function, distinguishes a major 
oscillator block to address the fragmentation problem. p; is the 
potential of the oscillator i and 8 is a threshold, where 0«0« I. p 
denotes the amplitude of Gaussian noise. e defines a typical 
relaxation oscillator with two time scales. The parameter y 
controls the time which the oscillator spends in these two 
phases, B control the gradient of the sigmoid. The coupling 
term S; provides the overall input from neighboring oscillators 
in the network: 
a S, 2S? -W.H(z -0,) Q) 
# js the total coupling from the adjacent active neighbors of 
oscillator to accomplish the binding problem . The original is 
defined summation in Eq.(3). 
S* = = W,H(x,) G) 
Where JW, defines the dynamic connection weight from 
oscillator k to i and N(i) represents a set of oscillators that 
comprises the neighborhood of it. H stands for the Heaviside 
step function. 
zis a threshold, and W. is the weight of inhibition from the 
global inhibitor, whose activity is governed by the equation: 
2=@(0,-z) (4) 
Where °= =1 if 5? 0. for at least one oscillator i, and °> =0 
Thus, this segmentation process is the emergent behavior of the 
oscillator network. For image segmentation, the LEGION 
network generally has two-dimensional (2-D) architecture. 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B3, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
Each oscillator corresponds to a pixel in the given image and is 
connected to its eight nearest neighbors except for at the 
boundaries where there is no wrap around. The global inhibitor 
is connected to all the oscillators on the 2-D grid. It receives 
excitation from each oscillator and in turn exerts inhibition to 
each oscillator. 
2.2 Extended LEGION Segmentation for Building 
Extraction from DSM 
Due to the large number of pixels in DSM raster data, 
numerical integration of hundreds of thousands of differential 
equations of original algorithm is prohibitively expensive. Thus, 
an extended simplified LEGION framework is proposed. 
According to the purpose of building extraction from DSM, the 
feature detector associated with each oscillator estimates the 
elevation of terrain at its corresponding pixel location. Given 
the LEGION dynamics, the main task is to establish lateral 
connections based on a similarity measure. Fig.(1) shows the 
flow chart of extended LEGION segment for building 
extraction from DSM. At the beginning, cells i corresponding 
to pixels are initialized into a non-excitated state. Then 
coupling weights W;, are calculated between the eight cells k 
adjacent to the cells i, which is based on the similarity measure. 
Wi, is represented by the following equation: 
W, =W,.. | (1+|Dissimlarity(i,k)|),k e Ni) (5) 
Where Dissimilarity (7,k) indicate the distance between pixel i 
and k and W,,, indicates the maximum value of the pixels’ 
elevation dissimilarity. Here, we use the maximum value of 
dissimilarities for W,,,.. 
Next step is to distinguish a major oscillator block to address 
the fragmentation problem. Usually a lateral potential for each 
oscillator is applied. However, this method it is hard for 
LEGION to extract a building directly by segmentation, 
because high dense trees may contain leaders to participate in 
segmentation. Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) 
homogeneity, a feature of DSM height texture, is proposed to 
distinguish between buildings and tall trees and locate major 
oscillators in building areas. One pixel windows size is used for 
GLCM calculation and GLCM homogeneity is represented in 
Eq.(6). Homogeneity returns a value that measures the 
closeness of the distribution of elements, is chosen to weight 
the value decreasing exponentially according to their distance 
to the diagonal. Any homogeneity values which are close to 1 
are taken as leaders of LEGION segmentation. 
1 p(n) 
H = 
BE [etie 
Where p(n) is the DN value of pixel, and i, j is the number of 
rows and columns. 
According to temporal oscillator correlation, the global 
inhibitor acts as a “metronome”, which establishes a single 
frequency of oscillation for all objects independently of their 
actual input. W, the weight of the global inhibitor plays a 
significant role in segmenting pixels into different groups. Yet 
the value of JW, usually determines by experience. In this paper, 
we find that there exists a relationship between DSM 
complexity and W,, which helps to do the determination of W.. 
on a 
et a 

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