Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

IX-B3, 2012 
search Program of 
tion Program of 
mmission (No. 
subset of the data 
carried out by the 
] Remote Sensing 
r. And we would 
on Urban Object 
n, which provided 
aillard, S. Benitez, 
c filtering and 3D 
. Commission III 
ht Adaptation and | 
egmentation. [EEE 
ital aerial camera 
marker controlled 
SM and imagery. 
), 1441-1452. 
utomatic building 
afer algorithm. 
ensing 72 (4), 395- 
nplexity measure : 
es of IEEE Annual 
mation Processing 
ntation and object- 
building class from 
3(8): 1076-1087. 
Tracing boundary 
/ision Computing, 
ing the Dempster- 
‘and multi-spectral 
usion 6(4),283-300. 
. A comparison of 
ion from airborne 
Topics in Applied 
:m house detection 
shape, and context. 
| of remote sensing 
f Photogrammetry 
xcitatory globally 
sactionson Neural 
wang, D.L., Terman, D.,1997. Image segmentation based on 
oscillatory correlation. Neural Computation 9, 805-836. 
Wang, D.L. 2007 .Computational scene analysis. In Challenges 
for Computational Intelligence, W. Duch and J. Mandziuk, Ed, 
DSM raster data 
Springer, Berlin. 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B3, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August - 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
Wang, Z. Schenk T., 2000. Building extraction and 
reconstruction from LiDAR data, International Archives of 
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 33, Part B3. 
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, unpaginated CD-ROM. 
DSM Height textures based on 
Calculation of coupling weights 
Leader cell selection in Building targets 
Determination of Global inhibitory 
the GLCM 
extract buildi 
DSM Roughness to determine 
S Global Inhibitory value 
Self-excitable cell detected 
segmentation of one region 
Cell detected 
Excitation of 
NO | dependent cells 
Inhibition to | 
Region Labeling 
Figure. 1 Flow chart of Extended LEGION Segment for Building 
( DSM Segmentation and Building Extraction ) 
Extraction from DSM 
Figure 2. DSM of experimental data 
Figure 3 GLCM homogeneity result of experiment data(homogeneity in light) 

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