Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

XIX-B3, 2012 
uilding areas which 
ftop is classified as 
s depending on the 
tected as a complex 
r is equal to 1), then 
op in 3D space. To 
segment using Har- 
tephens, 1988) over 
ides, we also detect 
x each building cor- 
ridge-line endpoint. 
sest ridge-line end- 
A detailed demon- 
macek et al., 2012). 
ed to corresponding 
detected as a com- 
uld not be extracted 
ne idea for building 
oftop reconstruction 
building rooftop re- 
ing rooftops and for 
oe-line properly, we 
D ; (x, y) matrix. Fi- 
(x, y) binary matrix 
red DSM values) to 
SMs which are ob- 
parts of the city of 
ined from the satel- 
2 and will show the 
id enhance building 
All satellite data are 
ym different dates is 
nd different shadow 
density and quality 
rd the Indian satel- 
wo pushbroom cam- 
D) of approximately 
delivered with RPC 
; equivalent to Level 
itrol using an affine 
uired in May 2008. 
0 km, equivalent to 
a GSD of 1 m and 
is quite suitable for 
1., 2010). The data 
) km and have been 
is “radiometric cor- 
0.5 m and are com- 
lay and orbit with an 
t viewing directions 
hese data have been 
evel "Level 2 Ortho 
on a plain for each 
zes is about 2 km X 
r data, generated by 
dure (d'Angelo and 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B3, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
Reinartz, 2011), have the same sampling distance as the image 
data and cover all parts of the city center of Munich. 
Two of the DSMs are obtained from airborne cameras, namely 
the High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) and the 3K-camera 
system, both operated by DLR. The HRSC-AX (High Resolu- 
tion Stereo Camera Airborne Extended) is a pushbroom camera 
and is especially designed to acquire stereo aerial photographs 
from 5 viewing directions. The image data exhibit a GSD of 1 m 
while the DSM, generated as described in (Hirschmueller et al., 
Springer, DAGM 2005, Wien, Austria). 
The DLR 3K-camera system consists of three off the shelf digital 
frame cameras (Canon EOS 1Ds Mark, 16 MPixel) mounted on 
a platform, of which one is pointed nadir, the second pointed to 
the left and the third is pointed to the right according to the flight 
direction (Kurz et al., 2008). The data used are acquired from 
a flight altitude of approximately 1500 m, leading to a GSD of 
25 cm The DSM has a GSD of 50 cm and is derived using images 
with 8096 overlap leading to 4 viewing directions per object. The 
airborne stereo data also cover parts of the Munich city center. 
Therefore for further investigations an area is used where DSM 
data from all sensors are available. 
The sixth DSM, which is mainly used as a reference was ac- 
quired by an Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) system and pro- 
vided through the Bavarian Surveying Authorities, the 3D point 
cloud with a density of 2 points per square meter has been inter- 
polated to a regular sampling distance grid of 1 m spacing. 
42 Evaluation of Performances 
In this section, we discuss the automatic 3D modelling perfor- 
mance of the proposed system on six different DSMs of a test 
building. In order to be able to calculate quantitative values for 
shape detection performance analysis, we use a binary building 
shape mask which includes groundfloor shapes of the buildings. 
This mask has been prepared by Munich municipality by using 
cadastral data. We apply pixel based performance analysis by 
counting the number of correctly detected building groundfloor 
pixels (True Positives - TP), and the number of false detected 
building groundfloor pixels (False Alarm - FA). By dividing the 
obtained numbers to the total number of building groundfloor pix- 
els appearing in the groundtruth mask, in Table 1 we present TP 
and FA numbers as percentages. As can be seen in this table, the 
highest detection performance is obtained for the 3K, HRSC and 
LIDAR sensor DSMs, as expected since these are all derived from 
airborne data. But it has to be noted that also the WV2 DSM pro- 
vides quite good results, with a quite low FA rate. On the other 
hand, the lowest detection performance is obtained on Cartosat1 
sensor DSM since the low resolution of this sensor does not al- 
low seeing neighbored building segments separately. The highest 
false alarm rate is obtained again on the Cartosatl sensor DSM 
for the same reason. The lowest false alarm rate is obtained with 
LIDAR sensor DSM because of its high spatial resolution and 
since this DSM does not include trees which generally appear 
connected to the building facades. 
In order to provide an insi ght on height estimation performances, 
we visualize a demonstration in Fig. 2. In Fig. 2.(a), we repre- 
sent a profile of the sample building where we take height values. 
In 2.(b), the red dashed profile represents original WV2 DSM 
values, black dashed profile represents the LIDAR DSM values, 
while the blue continuous line represents automatically obtained 
Teconstruction values by using WV2 DSM. 
Finally, we compare the automatic reconstruction method that we 
Propose herein with our previous reconstruction method which 
is based on active shape growing using building edge informa- 
tion (Sirmacek et al., 2012). On the same building sample of 
WV2 DSM, our previous approach gives performance values as 
TP = % 65.02 and FA = % 34.97. Unfortunately, the previous ap- 
proach cannot obtain successful detection results when the build- 
ing edges cannot be detected correctly because of the noisy DSM 
or because of the objects on the building rooftops. 
DSM Sensor || TP (%) | FA (%) 
Cartosatl 14.34 98.56 
Ikonos 78.96 22.00 
World View-2 89.83 10.16 
3K 94.01 6.62 
HRSC 95.09 14.81 
LIDAR 95.02 0.81 
Table 1: Pixel Based Building Groundfloor Detection Perfor- 
mances for Six Different DSMs 
(a) (b) 
Figure 2: (a) The slice of the sample building where the hight 
values are taken. (b) Red dashed profile represents original WV2 
DSM values, black dashed profile represents the LIDAR DSM 
values, blue continues line represents automatically obtained re- 
construction values by using WV2 DSM. 
Developing remote sensing technology and methods offer new 
and low-cost approaches such as DSM generation based on stereo 
satellite image matching principle. Herein, we introduced a novel 
method for automatic 3D detailed city modeling based on build- 
ing shape, tower, and rooftop ridge-line extraction. Using the pro- 
posed approach we could generate 3D city models with high de- 
tails even by using satellite images. Especially for regions which 
cannot be covered by airborne measurements, or for fast map up- 
dating or damage assessment purposes these data are well suited. 
Besides proposing a novel and robust approach for 3D city mod- 
eling, we provided a detailed assessment of the algorithm perfor- 
mance for different sensor data. For this purpose, we used DSMs 
which are obtained from different satellite (Cartosat-1, Ikonos, 
WorldView-2) and airborne sensors (3K camera, HRSC, and LI- 
DAR). Beyond the development of the fine detailed 3D city mod- 
els, we believe that the provided performance analysis over differ- 
ent sensor DSMs presents an important information about the ca- 
pabilities of the different sensors and their remotely sensed stereo 
Arefi, H., Engels, J., Hahn, M. and Mayer, H., 2008. Levels of de- 
tail in 3d building reconstruction from lidar data. In Proceedings 
of International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing, 
and Spatial Information Sciences 37, pp. 485-490. 
Benedek, C., Descombes, X. and Zerubia, J., 2009. Building ex- 
traction and change detection in multitemporal aerial and satel- 
lite images in a joint stochastic approach. INRIA, Paris, France, 
Tech. Rep.

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