Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

| XXXIX-B3, 2012 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B3, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
Precisely | Geometric 
Fitting (LSMIF) 7 Models 
t d 4 / 
»/ Photo-realistic3D | 
A Building Models 
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| GPS & | rrr T UK E 
Selection | £ G-Sensors ——»  Projecton | Projection | 
Le id A Parameters | / E ; Ë ee 
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| Model Base | | Photograph | Precisely | ,/ / ioral Facade 
| |} Pn — Image —» Image Clipping — 
ITEM ed ee CSMIF} / Orientation / | Texture 
Figure 1: The proposed photo-realistic 3D building modelling procedure 
In the proposed workflow, there are still two procedures - 
“model selection" and "approximately fitting" requires human 
interactions. This is because manual image interpretation is 
more robust and more efficient than computer algorithms. 
While the other computational work, such as “model 
projection", "precisely fitting", and "image clipping", are 
carried out by computer algorithms. Therefore, the proposed 
procedure shall improve the efficiency from the full-manual 
methods, while remain robust than full-automated approaches. 
To deal with the modelling problem, this paper adopted the 
concept of floating models (Wang, 2004). The floating models 
can be categorized into four types: point, linear feature, plane, 
or volumetric solid. Each type contains various primitive 
models for the practical needs. For example, the linear feature 
includes the line segment and the arc. The plane includes the 
rectangle, the circle, the ellipse, the triangle, the pentagon, etc. 
The volumetric solid includes the box, the gable-roof house, the 
cylinder, the cone, etc. Despite the variety in their shape, each 
primitive model commonly has a datum point, and is associated 
with a set of pose parameters and a set of shape parameters. The 
datum point and the pose parameter determine the position of 
the floating model in object space. It is adequate to use 3 
translation parameters (dX, dY, dZ) to represent the position 
and 3 rotation parameters, tilt (f) around Y-axis, swing (s) 
around X-axis, and azimuth (a) around Z-axis to represent the 
rotation of a primitive model. Figure 2 shows four examples 
from each type of models with the change of the pose 
parameters. X"-Y'-Z' coordinate system defines the model 
space and X-Y-Z coordinate system defines the object space. 
The little pink sphere indicates the datum point of the model. 
The yellow primitive model is in the original position and pose, 
while the grey model depicts the position and pose after 
changing pose parameters (dX, dY, dZ, t, s, a). The model is 
"floating" in the space by controlling these pose parameters. 
The volume and shape of the model remain the same while the 
pose parameters change. The shape parameters describe the 
shape and size of the primitive model, e.g., a box has three 
shape parameters: width (w), length (/), and height (A). 
Changing the values of shape parameters elongates the 
primitive in the three dimensions, but still keeps its shape as a 
rectangular box. Various primitive may be associated with 
different shape parameters, e.g., a gable-roof house primitive 
has an additional shape parameter — roof’s height (rk). Figure 3 
shows three examples from each type of models with the 
change of shape parameters. The point is an exceptional case 
that does not have any shape parameters. The yellow one is the 
original model, while the grey one is the model after changing 
the shape parameters. The figure points out the other important 
Characteristic of the floating model — the flexible shape with 
Certain constraints. Changing the shape parameters does not 
affect the position or the pose of the model. 
i 2 
zt : 
quA X 
hz °F 
Rectangle Plane Box Solid 
Figure 2: Pose parameters adjustment of floating models 
3 I: 
1 i 
Line Segment | Rectangle Plane Box Solid 
Figure 3: Shape parameters adjustment of floating models 
When the pictures are taken, buildings are projected on the 
picture based on the central projection. The object point, 
exposing centre, and the image point should lie on the same 
straight line, which is the essential of the collinearity equations. 
If the object point is expanded to a volumetric solid, there 
would be unlimited rays along the boundary. When re-project a 
floating model onto the taken photo, all of the model 
parameters and image orientation parameters must be accurate 
so the wireframe model can perfectly superimpose on the 
building's image. Figure 4 shows the incorrect model 
projection either based on the incorrect model parameters or 
based on the incorrect image orientation parameters. 
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(a) Projection based on incorrect image orientation parameters

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