Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B3, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
ous publications comparing the two different acquisition systems. 
A thorough comparison of airborne laser scanning (ALS) and tra- 
ditional manual photogrammetry for the generation of DSM and 
DTM models is presented in (Baltsavias, 1999). The author un- 
derlines that laser scanning has a lot of advantages in terms of 
density of measurements, automation and rapidity compared to 
traditional manual photogrammetry but nevertheless the two tech- 
nologies are complimentary to each other since the one can out- 
perform the other in certain tasks. In (Beraldin, 2004) the author 
is also examining this complementarity between laser scanning 
and photogrammetry and addresses the problem of data fusion 
and multi sensor imaging systems and their practical applications. 
He also presents a short review of the basic theory, the limitations 
and the theoretical accuracies acquired by both laser scanning 
systems and close range photogrammetry. In (El-Hakim et al., 
2008) the integration of Image Based Modelling (IBM) and laser 
scanning techniques are also examined. In this paper laser scan- 
ning is mixed with photogrammetry and aerial photogrammetry 
with photo acquired by a balloon in order to model the Erectheion 
in Athens. The challenges presented to both laser scanning and 
photogrammetry by the marble surfaces due to their reflectance 
and texture problems are underlined in these publications. 
TLS techniques have been widely adopted for cultural heritage 
documentation and therefore many papers have tried to investi- 
gate the advantages and disadvantages of TLS and manual close 
range photogrammetry (Kadobayashi et al., 2004), (Alshawabkeh 
and Haala, 2004) (Boehler and Marbs, 2004), and (Grussenmeyer 
et al., 2008). The general conclusion is that due to the complexity 
of the scenes and of the materials used the choice of the method is 
heavily correlated to the scene that has to be modelled and hence 
a combination of the two methods could be interesting in various 
The advances in automation of photogrammetric procedures by 
the adoption of the computer vision techniques and the introduc- 
tion of commercial and open source automatic or semi-automatic 
software have led to significant advances in the use of IBM in 
different applications. (Seitz et al., 2006) present a quantitative 
comparison of various multi-stereo view (MVS) image based re- 
construction algorithms for modelling small objects in indoor en- 
vironments. The image datasets were compared to datasets ac- 
quired with the use of a laser stripe scanner which provided very 
high accuracy. The authors conclude that all the algorithms per- 
form well offering accuracies very close to the ones of the laser 
scanner. (Strecha et al., 2008) also present an evaluation of image 
based reconstruction algorithms with TLS systems. This evalu- 
ation concerns datasets of large objects acquired in outdoor con- 
ditions. The authors conclude that (Furukawa and Ponce, 2010) 
provide the best results. Nevertheless they point out that for large 
scale outdoor scenes the multi-view algorithms still lack in ac- 
curacy compared to laser scanning. In (Remondino et al., July 
2008) a photogrammetric software for image matching and IBM 
is presented. An evaluation of the technique is also provided with 
a comparison of the photogrammetric software results for various 
scenes with those of a phase shift laser scanner and a triangulation 
scanner. The authors conclude that the new techniques adopted 
by the photogrammetric community can lead to the production of 
image based models with geometrical properties compared to the 
ones produced by laser scanners with the advantage of portability 
and lower cost. 
The comparison that is presented in this paper aims to evaluate 
3D models of the interior of a complex, low textured modern 
building produced by a totally automatic photogrammetric open 
source software and a TLS. We evaluate not only the accuracy of 
the two models but also the time spent on field and office in order 
to acquire them. 
The camera used for capturing the images is a Canon EOS 5D 
Mark II coupled with a 8mm Samyang fisheye lens. The cam- 
era's sensor is a full frame 21 megapixel CMOS sensor which 
corresponds to a sensor pixel size of 6.4 jum. The Samyang fish- 
eye lens is a low cost fisheye lens made for APS-S sized sensors 
which means that only 70% of the diagonal of the camera’s sensor 
is used. The Samyang lens is one of the cheapest fisheye lenses 
in the market and provides 180°circular fisheye images to full 
frame sensors. It is made of 10 optical elements, one of which 
is aspherical, grouped in 7 groups. For the laser scanner cam- 
paign we have used a Leica Scanstation 2. The Scanstation 2 is 
a Time Of Flight laser scanner which offers at 50m a single mea- 
surement position accuracy of 6mm, distance accuracy of 4mm, 
horizontal angle accuracy of 60urad and vertical angle accuracy 
of 60urad. The modeled surface precision offered by the scanner 
is 2mm which guarantees that the noise levels in the cloud points 
are low. For the laser point clouds alignment and registration the 
Cyclone ((c)Leica) software was used. For the scan registration 
black and white Leica targets where used on the field. For the 
image derived point cloud the APERO/MICMAC (©IGN) Open 
Source software (APERO/MICMAC, 2012) was used. The soft- 
ware functionalities will be further analysed in the next section. 
The two cloud points where compared using the CloudCompare 
Open Source software (CloudCompare, 2012) (©EDF R& D). 
The software offers various tools for the direct comparison of 
the distances between different cloud points or/and meshes of the 
same scene. 
3.1 Data acquisition 
The stairway dataset was chosen for our experimentations be- 
cause it has several distinct characteristics that interest us. Firstly 
it is inside a modern building which means that is not very rich 
in texture and thus making it a rather challenging environment 
for the extraction of SIFT points and for the generation of dense 
point clouds from images. Secondly being part of a modern build- 
ing its surfaces are rather vertical and planar allowing us to detect 
easily the deviations in the geometries of its surfaces. Finally 
the rather complex geometry of a modern building stairway is an 
added challenge for the stability of the camera network and the 
bundle adjustment of the photos. Our stairway is a typical U- 
shaped stairway with full landings in the middle and black metal 
handrails. The stairwell spans in 4 floors and is 12 meters high. 
In order to be able to capture our scene with the less photos pos- 
sible we had to use a lens that would permit us to have photos 
with a large field of view in the confined space of a stairway. The 
8mm fishey lens that was used allowed us to acquire photos with 
a global view of the scene (Figure 1) and thus with textured zones 
in every image, which is essential for the SIFT algorithm. It also 
permitted us to have a sufficient overlap between more than two 
images in order to be able to effectively perform the multi-image 
matching. One photo was taken on each of the steps and about 8 
photos were taken on each of its landings. In total we have ac- 
quired 111 photos in RAW format. The total acquisition time was 
of about 1 hour. At the same time we have also acquired a dataset 
of 15 images for the lens calibration. 
For the TLS acquisition we have opted to acquire laser scans 
with a 5mm resolution. 2 scanstations were set at each landing. 
The total number of scanstations is 20 and the average duration 
of each scanstation was about one hour. For the consolidation of 
the different scans in one point cloud we have used a mix of Le- 
ica Black and White targets and spheres of known diameter. The 
total acquisition time was of about 20 hours. 
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