Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

The upper floor is visible only in small parts of the images, only 
in few images and with a very low resolution with causes 
blurring and thus a very low amount of feature points. A 
necessary improvement would be a prediction of the movement 
of the features. In almost every image there are enough features 
found from the image before to predict a movement of lost 
feature. This predicted features could be search in following 
images. This could improve the density of the point cloud and 
the accuracy in the bundle adjustment. 
Further improvements can be achieved by combining the 
forward looking image sequence with a backward looking 
sequence to reduce occlusions and to add more images showing 
a specific voxel in the 3d model space. 
At the moment we are working on a pssobility to integrate both 
bundle adjustments, the orientation step and the matching step, 
as the given building model with its lines should be usable as 
ground control points in the orientation step directly. 
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