Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

(XIX-B3, 2012 
cation of a detection 
correspondence. The 
ure of similarity with 
lel allows to exclude 
inder the assumption 
the association espe- 
on o; being triggered 
otion Mr is assessed 
licted target location 
ound plane. For pre- 
linear Kalman Filter 
robability of the ob- 
model is formulated 
detection being trig- 
lassifier response on 
y applying the ORF 
s evaluated with the 
ues for each tracked 
nging to the tracked 
iven by 
) (4) 
its assignment to a 
Mr) (5) 
ith the highest com- 
in that the combined 
rom the total number 
ssful association, the 
is used for updating 
les according to the 
bject is updated with 
cted state &;, other- 
ty in prediction with 
deviation c in eq. 3 
g associations. 
etection-to-track as- 
ctory and every cur- 
been associated to a 
is used to initialise 
e specific classifier, 
tion as explained in 
RF with the samples 
d on the location of 
ajectories that have 
han a preset number 
of frames to wait for 
he classifier and the 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B3, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
0:4. 2.3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 
Target ID 
Class. Conf. [ 
012 3 0 12 3 0.41 2 3 
Target ID 
Figure 3: Classification results after sequential training. The classification confidence is plotted in the diagrams for the blue (left), red 
(middle) and yellow (right) framed tracking objects in the according colours below the image frames. The shown frames are captured 
one instance of time after initialisation (left) and 40 frames later (right). 
In Figure 3 we show a sequence from a test data set in the entrance 
hall of our university. We began tracking when three people were 
available in the scene and observed the classification results of the 
ORF over time. The frames and the underlying statistics shown 
in Figure 3 are captured right after initialisation (frame 2) and 40 
frames later. The bar diagrams show the response of the classifier 
for each of the tracked persons. It can be seen that the confidence 
of the classification result rises from initially around 50 percent 
to finally around 90 percent probability voted for the correct tar- 
get. Right after initialisation, the confidence is lower, because 
the classifier has not yet adapted well enough to the people's ap- 
pearance. As expected, the classification becomes more distinct 
when more samples of the people have been taken into account. 
That lets the classifier adapt better to the current appearance of 
the people. 
The trajectories gathered by the data association strategy are ana- 
lysed regarding the number of identity switches and re-initialisati- 
ons of targets. We applied tracking in a test sequence of 1600 im- 
ages captured in the entrance hall with a total of 23 people passing 
the scene. Since we do not tackle the detection and localisation 
task but only the association problem, metrics directly depending 
on the detection performance are disregarded here. People passed 
the test sequence with constant velocity but changed the direction 
of walking and most people moved along the viewing direction of 
the camera. The appearance of people hence changed while they 
passed the scene due to the changing illumination and orientation 
to the camera. 
The result of using our approach is compared with reference data 
obtained from manual labeling. For assessing the performance, 
we count the identity switches as well as the number of times 
à tracking object is initialised as a new instance although it was 
already tracked. To demonstrate the benefit or our strategy we 
performed tracking on the given sequence thrice: using the mo- 
tion model only, using the classifier only and using the combined 
scheme. The results are shown in Table 1. When using only 
the motion model for association, 7 identity switches were en- 
[. | ID-Switches | Re-initialisation — | 
Motion 7 2 
Classification 3 7 
Combined 0 1 
Table 1: Identity switch and re-initialisation counts. 
countered, which occurred basically after mutual occlusions of 
people. Using only classification for the association yielded a 
count of 7 re-initialisations but lowered the number of identity 
switches. Using the combined scheme yielded an appropriate 
trade-off between the usage of the motion model and the classi- 
fier. The number of identity switches could be reduced to 0 in the 
tested sequence, the number of re-initialisations could be reduced 
to 1. The trajectories gathered by our approach are visualised in 
Figure 4. The one re-initialisation that happened during tracking 
was due to too many missing detections in sequence, which let 
the according person be dropped from tracking. Using the com- 
bination of classifier and motion model, most people could be 
tracked completely throughout the test sequence. 
We have presented an approach for data association in a visual 
people tracking framework, using Randomized Forests as classi- 
fier together with a Kalman Filter. In order to establish correspon- 
dences between detections and trajectories properly, the similar- 
ity of detections and tracked objects can be statistically evaluated 
by combining the response of the classifier with constraints de- 
rived from the evaluation of the object's motion. We have demon- 
strated the capability of the method to track people persistently 
throughout a scene, even under changing viewing conditions and 
mutual occlusions. The benefit of using the cues from motion 
and the classifier jointly has been demonstrated in our experi- 
ments. The confidence values that calculate for association can 
be assigned to the final trajectories, which is helpful for further 

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