Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

how much of the available dynamic range is used by an image 
(Gonzalez and Woods, 2008). 
The dynamic range is represented by how many grey levels in 
the grey-scale are occupied. For instance, the pixel values of 
Figure 1-a fall between grey values 0 and 220 (within a range of 
0 to 255) with none in the other regions. This indicates a 
relatively wide dynamic range of brightness (Cunha et al. 2006) 
thus, in general, requiring a larger contour representation (hence 
nodes) than an image with a narrow grey-scale distribution 
(small dynamic range). 
The process of generating 3D data points from contours 
comprises the step of assigning coordinate values to pixels in 
the image. This is followed by interpolating between pixels to 
find the coordinates of points in the path of a contour having the 
same colour intensity value. 
For instance, Figure 1(a) shows the original image of Peter. tif 
(400%) whereas F igure 1(b) is the results of joining 
corresponding contour nodes using line segments. By way of 
example, the contour increments in Figure 1(b) is 8, ranging 
between 0 and 220 grey-scale values or colours. In this instance, 
bilinear interpolation was used to determine the contour nodes 
(Watson, 1992). 
Figure 1. (a) The original image of Peter.tif (400°), whereas (b) 
is a contour representation of (a) for contour increments equal to 
8 grey-scale values. 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B3, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
In the interest of reducing to a minimum the number of nodes or 
contour vertices, and thus minimise data Storage and 
transmission time, it is often possible to represent the contours 
using fewer line segments. It is important however, to maintain 
sufficient details so as to portray important features such as 
minute wavers and concavities. In most real world Cases, an 
image will contain contour portions with little direction changes 
(i.e. straight regions) and portions with a lot of direction change 
(i.e. curved regions) as shown in Figure 2(a). 
A variation of the basic contouring approach, referred to as 
variable line segment boundary representation (Baxes, 1994) 
can be used to better represent small contour segments changes 
without using small line segments throughout the contour 
Therefore, this technique can be used to remove nodes from 
contours as it combines multiple line segments and replaces 
them with a single longer segment over portions of the contour 
that have small direction changes. A variable number of contour 
nodes are covered by a single line segment, depending on how 
contour direction occurs. The nodes that are eliminated during 
this process may be recovered if required in the reconstruction 
This way, the line segments of a given contour will not unduly 
record multiple short line segments (and thereby nodes) where 
the contour direction change only a little. The implementation 
of the line segment approach is carried out by first performing a 
line segment contouring operation, using line segment lengths 
that are sufficiently short so as to contain the contour details 
required to reconstruct an original raster image. 
Then, the angles of each pair of adjoining line segments are 
compared. Where the directional angles are similar or identical, 
the two lines segments are combined to create a single line 
segment representing their combined length and overall angle 
(see Figure 2(b)). The end result is a contour segment 
representation that can be significantly more concise, while 
maintaining a high level of accuracy. 
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Figure 2. (a) A contour often contain regions of little change 
and regions of great change and (b) The variable line segment 
description combines adjoining contour segments with similar 
direction angles (after Baxes, 1994) 
Another technique which may assist in removing redundant 
nodes from the reconstruction process is to compare the area 
these contours occupy and the shorter and longest distance to 
their centroids (Bonham-Carter, 2006). These parameters may 
offer the best statistical constraint for deciding whether a 
contour (and its nodes) is very similar to another and thereby 
could be removed. 
Also, within any group of at least three close nested contours it 
may possible to test for redundant nodes by removing the 

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