Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

XXIX-B3, 2012 
and Vietnam. These 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B3, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
98 402 406 410 
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Figure 1. Map of the study area showing the sampling areas 
(ground reference data) used for extracting training data used in 
ANNs and evaluating accuracy classification results. 
3. DATA 
MODIS/Terra surface reflectance 8-day L3 global 500 m SIN 
grid v005 (MODO9A1 product) acquired from NASA for 2010 
were used in this study. This data product has seven spectral 
bands. The spatial resolution is 500 m x 500 m. The data include 
quality control lags for image artifacts. It has also been validated 
for stage 2 and is ready for use in scientific publications 
(Vermote et al., 2008). Other data including the Lower Mekong 
Basin land-use map (MRC, 2010), the 2000 VMD land-use map 
(Sub-NIAPP, 2002), and the 2000 Thailand land-use map (LDD, 
2000) were also collected and used for field investigation and 
preparation of ground reference data. 
4.1 Time-series NDVI data noise filtering 
The time-series NDVI data were created by first calculating 
every 8-day MODIS scene. They were then stacked into one 
8-day composite scene with 46 bands. Time-series MODIS 
NDVI data are often obscured by noise due to the cloud cover 
commonly seen in the tropical climate. Thus, it is essential to 
mitigate such noise before the data can be used for classification. 
For this reason, we first masked out thick cloud cover using the 
blue band, where its reflectance value was greater than 0.2 (Xiao 
et al., 2006). The missing values were replaced with new values 
from the time-series profile using linear interpolation. The 
wavelet transform was then applied to filter noise from the 
time-series NDVI data. The wavelet transform W(s,t) of a signal 
x(t) is defined as follows: 
W(s, 1) = S x(t)w (=) dt, (1) 
where s > 0 and x € R, x(t) is the analyzed input signal; V(t) is the 
mother wavelet; and s and c are scaling and translation 
parameters. In this study, we used Coiflet wavelet (order 4) 
(Torrence and Compo, 1998). This wavelet function has been 
demonstrated to give the best results among Daubechies and 
Symlet wavelet functions for determining rice crop phenology 
(Sakamoto et al., 2005). 
4.2 Image classification 
The ANNs back-propagation algorithm was utilized for 
classification. This algorithm uses the delta rule of a steepest 
descent to adjust weights based on the backward propagation of 
errors in the network (Paola and Schowengerdt, 1995). The 
ANNs has a learning process where training signatures are 
randomly selected and fed to adjust the internal weight matrix. 
This is made by a repetition of back-propagations of the answer 
into the weight matrix. When the learning process is complete, 
the weight matrix is ready to process any new signature from the 
imagery dataset. In this study, we designed ANN architecture: 
one input layer, one output layer and one hidden layer. The 
number of 93 neurons were calculated based on the existing 
literature recommendations: 2m + 1 (Atkinson and Curran, 1995), 
where n is the number of bands. The commonly-used 
back-propagation algorithm using tansig function was utilized to 
train the network. 
The training samples used to train ANNS for classification 
were extracted from the ground reference data prepared after 
field investigation. A total of samples of 14,602 (single-cropped 
rice: 2,333, double-cropped rice: 3,638, triple-cropped rice: 
1,336, field crops: 1,020, forests/orchards/perennial trees: 5,741, 
and built-up areas: 534) seems to most of variability of the study 
was used. Water bodies were excluded from the analysis. We 
identified water bodies and masked them out by analysis of 
smooth NDVI and land surface water index (LSWI) profiles 
(Xiao et al., 2006). The training samples were divided into three 
parts: training samples (50% of the total samples), validation 
samples (25% of the total samples), and testing samples (25% of 
the total samples). 
The network’s performance is measured using a mean 
squared error (MSE) and a confusion matrix. The training 
process was carried out until the mean squared error (MSE) 
reached 0.00044 at the epoch 366. The confusion matrix shows 
the percentages of correct classification of 98.8%. There was 
significant correlation between testing samples and outputs R= 
0.99). The classification results values range from 0 to 1. The 
winner-take-all algorithm was used to get the class indices as the 
position of the highest element in each output vector of ANNs. 
4.3 Accuracy assessment 
The classification results were compared with the field data. A 
total of 2,000 pixels for each class were randomly extracted from 
the ground reference data. The classification accuracy 
assessment was performed such that these ground reference 
pixels were compared with that of the classified map using the 
confusion matrix. Kappa coefficient and other parameters (i.e., 
overall, producer and user accuracies) were used to measure the 
classification accuracy.

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