Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

e XXXIX-B3, 2012 
c denotes the translation 
^s. For this, it is assumed 
the center between both 
n calculated for the Ieg- 
zed for detecting special 
Iculating the coarse area 
ng features which should 
ss as they arise from ob- 
hese features have to be 
ickground being relevant 
e representations of sev- 
ibase before starting the 
images contains a tem- 
ne, but from a different 
ice and at a different sea- 
intensity images show a 
e detected SIFT features 
> to the object templates 
1 maximum similarity to 
transformation based on 
template is transformed. 
emplate is then assumed 
lure allows for detecting 
ne as well as for decou- 
the presented approach 
ase of dynamic environ- 
ly known. 
1e scene monitoring with 
à future operational sys- 
ces fairly realistically, a 
owever, due to the large 
le system, mounting the 
1 and data storage on an 
impracticable. Hence, 
active multi-view range 
long a rope is used as 
ire 3. The components 
ision] CamCube 2.0) for 
sk for efficiently storing 
pendent power supply. 
ge imaging devices can 
variable multi-view op- 
or divergent data acqui- 
nce of noise effects aris- 
liation in comparison to 
ipath scattering, the uti- 
range accuracy of a few 
expected. Furthermore, 
time-of-flight cameras, 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B3, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
Figure 3: PMD[vision] CamCube 2.0 and model of a cable car 
equipped with two range imaging devices. 
depends on the modulation frequency fm, where co denotes the 
speed of light. A modulation frequency of 20 MHz thus corre- 
sponds to à non-ambiguous range of 7.5 m. In order to overcome 
this range measurement restriction, image- or hardware-based un- 
wrapping procedures have been introduced (Jutzi, 2009; Jutzi, 
2012). When dealing with multiple range imaging devices, it also 
has to be taken into account that these may influence each other 
and that interferences are likely to occur. This can be overcome 
by choosing different modulation frequencies. 
The estimation of the flight trajectory of a sensor platform re- 
quires the definition of a global world coordinate frame. This 
world coordinate frame is assumed to equal the local coordinate 
frame of the sensor platform at the beginning. The local coor- 
dinate frame has a fixed orientation with respect to the sensor 
platform. It is oriented with the X -direction in forward direction 
tangential to the rope, the Y -direction to the right and the Z- 
direction downwards. For evaluating the proposed methodology, 
a successive pairwise registration is performed. The threshold for 
the matching of 2D features is selected as tdes = 0.7. The result- 
ing 2D/2D correspondences are projected into 3D space which 
yields 3D/3D correspondences. Including the weights in the esti- 
mation of the rigid transformation yields position estimates and, 
finally, an estimated trajectory which is shown in Figure 4 in nadir 
view and in Figure 5 from the side. The green and blue points 
describe thinned point clouds captured with both range imaging 
devices and transformed to the global world coordinate frame. 
Y [m] 
X [m] 
Figure 4: Projection of the estimated trajectory and thinned point 
cloud data onto the X Y -plane. 
A limitation of the experimental setup seems to be the fact that 
no reference values are available for checking the deviation of 
the position estimates from the real positions. However, due to 
the relative orientation of the sensor platform to the rope, the 
projection of the real trajectory onto the X Y -plane should ap- 
proximately be a straight line. Additionally, the length of the real 
trajectory projected onto the ground plane can be estimated from 
aerial images or simply be measured. Here, the distance Aground 
between the projections of the end points onto the ground plane 
has been measured as well as the difference Aaititude between 
maximum and minimum altitude. From the measured values of 
Âground = T m and Acititude = 1.25 m, a total distance of 
Z [m] 
X [m] 
Figure 5: Projection of the estimated trajectory and thinned point 
cloud data onto the X Z-plane. 
approximately 7.11 m can be assumed. A comparison between 
the start position and the point with the maximum distance on the 
estimated trajectory results in a distance of 6.90 m. As a con- 
sequence, the estimated trajectory can be assumed to be of rela- 
tively high quality. The results for a subsequent object detection 
and segmentation is illustrated for an example frame in Figure 6. 
Figure 6: SIFT-based object detection and segmentation: normal- 
ized active intensity image, template and transformed template 
(upper row, from left to right). The corresponding point cloud for 
the area of the transformed template and the sensor position (red 
dot) are shown below. 
The presented methodology is well-suited for dynamic environ- 
ments. Instead of considering the whole point clouds, the prob- 
lem of registration is reduced on sparse point clouds of physically 
almost identical 3D points. Due to this fact and the non-iterative 
processing scheme, the proposed algorithm for point cloud reg- 
istration is very fast which is required for monitoring in such 
demanding environments. Although the current Matlab imple- 
mentation is not fully optimized with respect to parallelization of 
tasks, a total time of approximately 1.63 s is required for pre- 
processing, point quality assessment, feature extraction and point 
projection. Further 0.46 s are required for feature matching, cal- 
culation of weights and point cloud registration. This can signif- 
icantly be reduced with a GPU-implementation of SIFT, as the 
calculation of SIFT features already takes approximately 1.54 s. 
Furthermore, the simple estimation of a rigid transformation is 
not sufficient, as used 3D/3D correspondences have the same 
weight, even if the uncertainty of the respective 3D points is very 
high or if outlier correspondences not fitting to the transforma- 
tion have been detected. Hence, a quality measure for 3D/3D 
correspondences has been introduced which is based on the qual- 
ity of the respective 3D points. This quality measure is used for 

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