jected to an image (red
sreen crosses)
een point) of image I and
| point)
Figure 7b: Images used to reconstruct the scene
Ep em a d
gh s mn an din
aum uns
uu a s on 8
Figure 7c: The estimated viewpoint and its actual place
In this paper we present an approach to solve the Location
Determination Problem in urban environment using image
sequences. The outdoor scene depicted in the given image is
reconstructed first. Points of images used in the reconstruction
are transferred to the given image in order to obtain the control
points. Then pose of the given image is estimated using PnP
solver. The computation of the presented method mainly lies in
matching and reconstruction process. In the future work, GPU
computation should be considered to speed up the matching
process. We may also try other feature operators such as
Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF) and ORiented Brief (ORB)
to evaluate their performance in our research environment. We
will test patch-based algorithms for methods that find both
dense and global matches have often had high time cost in the
matching stage. In Parallel Tracking and Mapping (PTAM)
there are no descriptors as in SIFT but *warped" patches which
makes it fast and detectable at bigger angles, which makes it
possible to register images with relative large angles between
viewpoints. Another function that is worthy to add to our
method is to geo-locate the reconstructions and the given image
I as well if the image sequences come with geo-tags/GPS
information. However, geographical information obtained from
images is frequently incorrect, noisy and even missing, which
means we must introduce robust estimation method to further
improve the accuracy and automation of the presented method.
This research is supported by the National Natural Science
Foundation of China (No. 40871211).
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