XIX-B3, 2012
^ Changsha,
Point; Similarity
paper presents an
nation. Two new
ited to emphasize
n. In order to get
hich is similar to
P and LWA. The
th derivative-free
itional Similarity
of multi-temporal
of the amplitude
selected without
point detection is
ıtify the template
ages demonstrate
's and that it has
(LFRV), Phase
nal-to-noise ratio
respondences are
methods can be
ulti-temporal and
extract common
yf harsh contrast
zes. In addition,
point are not big
nces is quite low.
captured by an
is captured by a
nly used feature-
the feature points.
mon features are
yrrectly matched,
he application.
a-based methods
ite, which means
ne changes. The
ze representation
mmon similarity
Igorithms are: (i)
than one author.
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B3, 2012
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia
normalized-correlation, (ii) sum of squared brightness
differences, and (iii) mutual information [8].
The image representations commonly used for area-based
methods are some gradient operators which include: Canny,
Sobel, Prewitt, Kirsch, Laplacian of Gaussian, and Susan etc..
Using these spatial derivative operators, one can emphasize the
edges, corners, and blobs that represent some illumination
invariant component of images. However, these gradient
representations are usually sensitive to noise. Therefore, the
gradient representations are not able to handle some noisy
multi-sensor and multi-temporal images efficiently.
Representation based on local frequency information was
introduced in [9]. Working in the frequency domain, local
phase and amplitude information over many different scales and
orientations were used to construct a dimensionless measure of
similarity that has high localization. However, due to the un-
weighted local frequency, the algorithm was unable to clearly
emphasize common information, such as edges and corners.
Therefore, the performance of our evaluation experiment is
unsatisfactory. As phase congruence is condition-independent
and invariant to illumination changes, it was employed to
represent images in [10]. However, when calculating phase
congruence with the denominator representing the sum of the
amplitude in the Log-Gabor expansion spaces, a division
operator is inevitably involved. As the value of the denominator
is usually small in the texture-less regions, the method
presented in [10] is quite sensitive to noise in the texture-less
regions, as shown in Figure 2. This paper addresses these
difficulties by using local frequency information obtained from
Log-Gabor wavelets over many scales and orientations. A
compositional similarity measurement and a local best matching
point detection are also presented to make the presented image
matching approach more robust and accuracy.
Figure | The
results of the
SIFT feature
detection and
matching. From
top to bottom: the
reference image
and searching
image; the results
of. the. feature
detection; the
results of the
feature matching
after outlier
2.1 Local Average Phase
In this working, the wavelet transformation is used to obtain the
frequency information which is local to a point in the signals.
To preserve phase information, the nonorthogonal wavelets in
the symmetric/anti-symmetric quadrature pairs are adopted.
Rather than using Gabor filters, we prefer to use Log-Gabor
functions, because Log-Gabor filters allow arbitrarily large
bandwidth filters to be constructed, while maintaining a zero
DC component in the even-symmetric filter. (A zero DC value
cannot be maintained in Gabor functions for bandwidths over
one octave [11].) On the linear frequency scale, the Log-Gabor
function has a transfer function of the form:
-(log(0/ ay)
2(log(x/ 4)
g(o)-e (1)
where qj is the filter’s centre frequency. To obtain constant-
shape ratio filters, the term x /¢ must also be held constant for
varying qj. Let I denote the signal, M? and M; denote the
even-symmetric (cosine) and odd-symmetric (sine) wavelets,
respectively, and e : (39,0, (X) denote the even-symmetric and
odd-symmetric filter outputs at location x .We can think of the
responses of each quadrature pair of filters as forming a
response vector,
le, (x),0,, ()]=[1(x)x MZ, (3) x M, ] 2)
The amplitude 4 and phaseó,, at a given wavelet scale is
given by
A. (x) = 2 (x) +0, (x) (3)
At each point X in a signal, we will have an array of these
response vectors, with one vector for each scale and orientation
of the filter. These response vectors form the basis of our
localized representation of the signal. An estimate of F(x) can
be formed by summing the even filter convolutions. Similarly,
H(x) can be estimated from the odd filter convolutions.
F(x)= Y S e,, (x) (4)
H(x)- 2,2... 00
The average phase is given by
atn 2 (7G HG) os if:iata2(FQ)/HQ))20 ©
$Q)- T
Gm UPC HONE is. ifiatima( Foo Hog) «o
where 9 (x)ranging from 0 to 180 can be seen as the phase of
the sum of the response vectors over many scales and
orientations. The local average phase which emphasizes the
phase information of local frequency is used as one of the image
representations for multi-temporal and multi-sensor images.
Another representation, Local Weighted Amplitude, is designed
for extracting the amplitude information of local frequency.
Apparently, it is independent of LAP. The calculation of the
LWA is similar to that of phase congruence, except the division