Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

As a non-contact measurement method,  close-range 
photogrammetry has been used in many fields, such as 
industrial field, biomedical field, etc. Admittedly, the generally 
accepted way in close-range photogrammetry is to firstly set up 
some control points around the object or on the surface of object 
when the images of object are taken according to multi- 
intersection photography mode. Then the exterior orientation 
elements can be calculated using the space coordinates and 
image coordinates of these control points. And in the rest 
bundle adjustment, the exterior orientation elements are 
employed as the initial values and recalculated, and space 
coordinates of unknown points are also calculated at the same 
There are several typical methods, namely Space Resection, 
Pyramid Principle and Direct Linear Transformation etc., to 
compute exterior orientation elements in  close-range 
photogrammetry (Feng, 2003). Wang put forward a method to 
slove approximate values of exterior orientation elements based 
on 4 points on a same plane(Wang, 2006), and 2D direct linear 
transformation is used to calculate approximate values of 
exterior orientation elements (Zhang, 2002), and Guan Yunlan 
etc. raise a space resection method based on unit quaternion 
(Guan, 2008). These methods will be invalid if a small portable 
plane control frame with few control points. Haralick 
summarizes all prior work on the minimal solution for the 
absolute orientation problem and recommends a solution 
which is numerically stable (Haralick, 1994). 
Through researching bird flocking, Reynolds found that a bird 
only trace its limited number neighbour birds and want to find 
food. But the final result is that the whole bird flock is likely 
controlled under a same center. Namely, when a bird flock is 
looking for food, the simplest way for the bird flock is to seek 
the birds who are nearest to the food. Particle Swarm 
Optimization (PSO) was put forward by an American social 
psychologist Kennedy, J. and an electrical engineer Eberhart, 
R.C., is a stochastic global optimization method based on 
swarm intelligence, which was inspired by social behavior of 
bird flocking or fish schooling (Kennedy, 1995). 
Based on the strong global search feature of PSO, a improved 
PSO method is put forward in this paper to calculate 
approximate values of exterior orientation elements of close- 
range images in this paper. 
For example, suppose there is a food (the black triangle) in a 
plane, shown as in Figure 1(a). It is located at the center in the 
area, which are X,Y€[0,200]. At the beginning, twenty 
birds(shown as the black points) randomly fly without object in 
the area. When the bird flock find the food in the area, almost 
all birds will fly to the food point through certain time flying, 
shown as in Figure 1(b)(c). 
PSO for solving a optimization problem, a bird is called as 
particle or agent, a solution of the problem corresponds to a 
bird's position in search space. The fitness of all of the particles 
is determined by a objective function, and the flying direction 
and distance of each particle are defined by its' flying speed. 
Then the particles will trace the current optimal particle and 
search for the optimization in the solution space 
Y Y Y 
ne et 2 ee 20 ; 
° o To ds. a 
10h c2] 100] 2 gle fof ode 
tp je | Hs 
SR | a a e re = 1 
0 — 100 200 0 — 100 200 0 100 20 
(a) (b) (c) 
Figurel. Stimulation of birds feeding 
(a) initial distribution of birds (b) distribution of birds after 20 
iteration (c) distribution of birds after 100 iteration 
At the beginning of PSO procedure, a swarm of particle 
(random solution) are initialized, and the optimal solutions will 
be found through evolutionary computation (iterative 
computation). Each particle will update themselves through 
tracing two extremum. One extremum, called individual 
extremum pg; is the optimal position found by the particle 
itself, the other, called globe extremum gg,,, is the optimal 
position found by the whole particle swarm. 
The mathematical description of PSO is flowed. Suppose in a 
D-dimensional search space, the total number of particles is n. 
Vector x;7(xi,xXj..x;p) means the position of particle i. 
Danes" (DiPi2--.Dip) means the optimal position which is searched 
by particle ; till present step. SBes(g,g»..gp) means the 
optimal position which is searched by the whole particle swarm 
till present step. The position changing rate(speed) of particle ; 
is shown as v;-(vi,vp..v;ip. So the speed and position of 
particle i are described as equation (1). 
v,(t+1)=G, TG, FG, (1) 
KHAO. Sin 
Where, G;-v;4(t), is the former speed item, and expresses the 
influence of former speed to present speed of particle i; 
G2 =c,r1(pidt)-xia(t)), is the self-cognition item, and means the 
influence of the historical optimal position to present position of 
particle i while only the experience of particle i is considered; 
G3 =c2r2(pgdlt)-x;a({)), is the social sharing of information item, 
and indicates the influence of the historical optimal position of 
the whole particle swarm to present position of particle i; cı,c, 
are acceleration factors.c; is used to adjust the particle flying 
step size toward itself optimal position. cz is used to adjust the 
particle flying step length toward global optimal position. r,,r; 
are two random numbers belong to [0,1]. x;; is the position in 
No.d dimensional for particle i at No./ iterative. p;; is the 
individual extremum position in No.d dimensional for particle i. 
Pga is the globe extremum position in No.d dimensional for the 
whole particle swarm. 
The initial position and initial speed of particle swarm are 
generated randomly, and then the procedure goes into iterative 
computation according to equation(l) till the satisfactory 
solution is found. In equation(1) item G; can ensure the globe 
convergence performance, and G; and G; are employed to 
ensure the local convergence performance (Zeng, 2004). 
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