Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

No |Method| X; (mm)| Ys (mm)|Zs (mm) Catan) ete) Us oom 
PSO -86.16 -68.67 2434.57] 0.10740, 0.08701. -0.02690, 
Bundle | -437.22} 248.62 3211.53 0.20354 0.03114 -0.02434 
PSO | -171.73| -115.72 2446.62) 0.1315G 0.10620 -0.04050 
Bundle | -480.53| -110.84 3144.28 0.21386 0.14294 -0.04888] 
PSO | 393.600 18.27 2399.42 -0.07580| 0.05440 0.00240 
Bundle | 402.07 -110.92 3176.76 -0.04708 0.14480 -0.00399 
PSO | 1020.67 -61.73| 2414.53. -0.34640| 0.07770, 0.04720 
Bundle| 1380.78 -98.37 3082.11 -0.37194 0.13500 0.05257 
PSO | -184.12| -224.49 2415.21] -0.00880| -0.03830| -0.05280 
Bundle | -544.01| -463.28| 3066.80 0.24614 0.25035 -0.08283 
PSO |1227.60| -140.33| 2555.88| -0.38700| 0.10990 0.01540 
Bundle| 1693.71| -470.83| 3118.71  -0.44186| 0.24396 0.03531 
Table 4. Exterior orientation elements calculated by PSO and 
Bundle adjustment (six control points) 
Difference of coordinate Difference of coordinate 
No (mm) No (mm) 
1 | -0.013| -0.013| 0.009 | 18 | -0.128 | -0.032| 0.336 
5 | -0.094| -0.084| -0.174| 21 | 0.006, 0.020, 0.286 
8 10.0145] -0.003| 0.053 | 23 | -0.198 | -0.151| 0.329 
10 | -0.072| -0.066 | 0.065] 25 | -0.386| -0.160| 0.393 
12 | -0.083 | -0.029 | -0.147| 28 | -0.141| -0.095 | 0.782 
131 -0.011| 0.040] 0.271] 31 | -0.413| -0.145| 0.685 
Table 5. Difference of check points object coordinates(six 
control points) 
From Table5, the mean square error of three directions are my= 
+0.187mm, my==+0.089mm, mz;==+0.373mm respectively, and 
the point mean square error is mp ==+0.427mm. Under this 
condition, we can obtain the approximate values of exterior 
orientation elements by space resection, but the deviation to 
their real value are too large and lead to misconvergence of 
bundle adjustment. 
By using PSO to calculate the approximate values of exterior 
orientation elements, the problem of unavailability of exterior 
orientation elements could be solved due to the decrease in the 
number of control points and narrow space distribution. The 
global searching ability of particle swarm optimization is very 
powerful. In terms of objective function based on the few 
controlling points and the set gross area of exterior orientation 
elements, the approximate values of exterior orientation 
elements can be solved and used in bundle adjustment. This 
method can be applied in real production and experiments, 
which can reduce the procedure of surveying control points and 
increase surveying efficiency. 
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