70° D
reference sensor
er second. This
by an order of
le of the sensor
ines the field of
that in order to
| on one side we
m. Firstly when
from four sides,
i-sensor system.
s only 75 mm,
in be measured
ight ratio cannot
established on a
f thumb that the
1:16 (refer for
uhmann, 2000).
ore not exceed a
t a larger stand-
op of each other
Figure 2 depicts the two different situations of either a longer
stand-off distance or a shorter one. The shorter stand-off
distance requires at least two sensors to be stacked on top of
each other to achieve full coverage. However it gives the
advantage of better triangulation accuracy and a more compact
Since the manufacturer does not specify sensor repeatability and
accuracy in depth, these quantities have to be established in
suitable tests. Such tests have been carried out by different
research labs, for example by (Menna et al, 2011). We have
designed our own test strategy which separates repeatability (or
precision) and accuracy. In addition we do not perform the tests
on a single unit of one sensor model only, but we test several
units in order to establish variations due to manufacturing
tolerances. We also consider interference generated from
additional sensors which overlap the field of view of the sensor
under test.
As the rough photogrammetric estimates described above have
shown, the sensor cannot be expected to provide reliable depth
measurements at long distances. Thus we keep the distances
reasonable for all tests following. We aim at measuring objects
at approximately 1 m distance.
4.1 Repeatability
We test repeatability by observing two spheres in the field of
view of a sensor over time. The sequence of depth
measurements is recorded and later single frames of the
recording are extracted and evaluated. The quantity we measure
is the distance of the two spheres which of course is kept
constant over the duration of the measurements. Since we are
only interested in repeatability there is no need for a reference
value of the distance.
Figure 3 shows the setup for this test. The sensor tested is the
leftmost sensor. The distance of the sensor to the spheres is
approximately 1 m. The distance of the spheres is
approximately 0.5 m.
Two further sensors are added to test interference. Since the
two spheres, both with and without interference
from other sensors.
sensor uses static pattern projection, two sensors potentially
generate some interference, when their field of view overlaps.
This interference can occur in two forms. For one when two
projectors illuminate a common area the brightness, roughly
speaking, doubles. This can create sensor saturation and as a
consequence creates a blind spot on the sensor or a gap in the
depth measurement. This occurs most often on highly reflective
surfaces. The API to the PrimeSense NUI sensor allows
adapting sensor gain to compensate for this. However this is not
a trivial procedure and is highly dependent on the scene. The
second form of interference which we are interested in occurs
when the projected dot patterns overlap and the sensor actually
miss-matches the sensed pattern with the stored pattern. This
situation occurs less frequently and it is almost unpredictable if
it occurs at all or how strong the effect is.
In order to quantify this effect we place a second sensor at a
distance of 0.5 m to the right of the sensor under test and
Distance (mm)
22 58 71
Frame #
»no interference
interference 0°
m interference 45°
103 107
Figure 4. Repeatability of the measurement of the distance of two spheres. Three different scenarios are tested: no interference, i.e.
only one sensor is switched on, interference from a sensor at 0 degree tilt angle and interference from a sensor at 45
degree tilt angle.