Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

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04. Particle Swarm 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B3, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
Y. Li**, L. Zhu, H. Shimamura?, K. Tachibana® 
? International Institute for Earth System Science, Nanjing University, Jiangsu, China, 210093,liyan@nju.edu.cn 
? Pasco corporation, 1-1-2 Higashiyama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-0043 
Commission III, WG II[/1 
KEY WORDS: Modelling, polygon, image, DSM, feature, fitting 
Automatically detection, extraction and re-construction of 3D building modelling are difficult yet potentially high-payoff challenges 
for photogrammetric applications. Solution usually requires integrating various sources, including LIDAR, imagery, and digital 
surface models (DSM). However, highly automated and robust geometric modelling remains unsolved. We will present a 2D 
modelling technique which represents a building's outline in an as-is way. It gives visually accurate corners and lines for buildings. 
Aerial remotely sensed imagery and a DSM are used to detect and segment building masks. A refining footprint modelling is 
implemented through line modelling, edge refining, and segment merging and generating. A district grouping based main orientation 
algorithm is proposed. This approach has the ability of successive improvement, moving from a prototype to a subtle end product. 
Experiments with Japanese data show that the models generated automatically fit the manual models very well. 
1.1 Motivation 
There is an increasing demand of building models in various 
GIS applications. Remote sensed data provides a cheaper and 
more effective source for this demand. Yet highly automated 
and robust building modelling remains a problem unsolved. 
Large-scale production of building models greatly rely on 2D 
digital line graph data (DLG) that are generated interactively, 
while the 3D models are automatically derived using reliable 
tools provided by softwares like TerraScan (TerraSolid, 2011) 
CyberCity Modeler (Gruen, 2003) PhotoModeller (Zlatanova 
2011) on the base of the 2D DLG. Generating the DLG or the 
2D model usually take most of the workload in any building 
mapping projects. Especially for the large amount of remote 
sensed data, manual processing of the 2D modelling by fewer 
workers is unpractical. So the automatically modelling with 
fewer parameters or interactions is mostly needed. 
1.2 Related researches 
1.2.1 Building extraction 
Building extraction technology uses computer science including 
image processing, pattern recognition on single or multiple 
images to detect and extract the information of a building, such 
as contour, shape, location or height. Segmentation, feature 
detection can be used singly or integrated. In early years, 
researchers generally use image singularly to make it. For 
instance, in 1990s, Irvin etc. proposed an idea extracting 
buildings by their shadows (Irvin 1989). Off-terrain objects 
have shadows if no other height data shadow can directly but 
partly indicate the height information. When there are more data 
sources available, multi-source data based methods become 
popular. In conclusion, the building extraction technologies can 
be divided approximately into two big categories, no matter for 
imagery only or for multiple data. 
Segmentation based 
Region growing (Lari 2007). texture segmentation (Kim 1999, 
Levitt 1997), dynamic contour (Fazan 2010) including level set 
(Hao 2010) belong to this type. Some methods only partition 
the image into regions. Further recognition or classification 
(Stassopoulou 2000, Baatz 1999) is needed to tell which ones 
are buildings. For texture analysis it is difficult to get a clear 
edge between man-made and non man-made terrain. So it is not 
proper to use this method for building modelling in high 
resolution imagery. For large scale imagery, the intensity or 
color of building roofs can vary extremely and can ruined the 
Feature detection based 
For better interpretation of a building, feature based detections 
are mostly studied. Among all the features, line is the most 
important one to identify the buildings. Grouping process (Lin 
1998, Lee 2003) is proposed using the edges and line segments 
derived from the image to group according to their spatial 
relations. Because no restraint is given to a building area, this 
kind of methods will be affected sensitively by the thresholds. 
Moreover, in resolutions higher than 0.5m there will surely are 
more lines of ridges which are not parallel each other. 
1.2.2 Modelling methods 
There is numerous building modelling theorems. In 2D case, 
some studies assume that the house is composed by several 
parts, and each one is modeled separately as a few of given 
primaries, called parameterized methods (Tseng 2003, Braun 
1995, Chow 2003). Others take the roof as several planar which 
can be extracted from the data without certain shape of models 
(Laramee 2003. For our case, we would like to consider the 
contour polygon firstly. So the planar detection based methods 
won't be employed. 

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