Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

XXXIX-B3, 2012 
ur information and so 
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it is reasonable to use 
e higher above their 
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th planar and vertical 
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] from DSM only give 
of the buildings. The 
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image is employed to 
O), which should only 
ks segmented by MCW 
to a building footprint. 
objects from the PPO 
rated PPOs compose a 
accuracy in terms of the 
t. Generally it refers to 
egion. For example, an 
n type of tree, or area 
dium resolution remote 
xture of the spectrum of 
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ognize the pure pixels. 
get, most pixels can be 
ain class, such as roof, 
, tree, water, or band. 
ot for building structure. 
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vill be grouped as many 
threshold gives larger 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B3, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
image with 20cm resolution generally require 10 to 20 scale 
threshold to get relatively PPOs. 
PPO grouping mask: 
Building blocks segmented from DSM are taken as masks to 
integrate the PPO to a building footprint. Mask usually has 
fatter area than the building in RGB according to our 
processing. Some other PPOs like street or ground may be 
covered or partly covered by it. So the mask should be eroded 
to a smaller area to make sure that each object covered by the 
mask is a part of the building. 
Tree eliminating: 
There always are some small trees planted along the walls of a 
house in Japan. The PPOs filtered by building mask sometimes 
include one or two of them. A threshold of NDVI is used to 
remove these objects. The remaining building PPOs are 
grouped to compose a building footprint which has quite high 
accuracy in the sense of both shape and location. 
Region fullness processing: 
In tree eliminating, some PPOs of building may be taken as tree 
objects and be excluded. This error can be fixed by region 
fullness processing. That is, a fullness measure is defined as the 
ratio of the building footprint to the building mask. For those 
under a certain value, object based region growing is 
implemented. The neighbouring PPOs covered by the mask 
within certain hue difference will be taken as building PPOs. 
Objective: a polygon for a building. The as-is polygon model is 
subject to a square constraint, thus the modelling process 
becomes a problem of optimization. Neighbouring lines of the 
polygon are perpendicular to each other in the modelling 
process. The line is fitted to the maxima of the intensity 
gradients. Corners are generated initially by corner detection 
and then dynamically added or merged during the iteration. The 
whole procedure is entirely automated. 
4.1 Main orientation pair 
Square constraint. 
The pair of main orientation of a building is represented by 
angles auf. and subject to |a — A |= 90;a, B € (90,90). It 
is observed that houses are usually built along a certain 
orientation for a natural neighbourhood. Almost all the studies 
consider this in their own ways. Primitive based methods 
directly use models subject to the principle in the procedures. 
Many others fit the line features with this constrains. We adopt 
the latter idea since we have corners and lines extracted and 
connected from the image. 
District based orientation estimation: 
A house’s orientation is estimated according to the whole 
neighbourhood rather than to a singular house. In direction 
fitting for a single house, the corners can be used to estimate are 
relatively less. Sometimes the direction estimation has obvious 
error. For a region with many houses, the direction errors are 
not uniform, so that the models display a mass. Block direction 
pair clustering (BDPC) is developed to classify the 
neighbourhoods into several groups. Neighbourhood orientation 
is estimated relatively and assigned to each house belonging to 
BDPC algorithm can be described in Fig. 3. The distance of a 
pair of buildings is defined as the shortest distance between the 
contours of the two buildings. The distance of each pair of 
buildings is calculated. The district is grouped according to the 
cluster which is computed on distance matrix. The main 
orientation of a district is estimated using all the slopes of the 
lines in this district by angle histogram. There will be two peaks 
for a district, which has difference of 90 degree. 
Buildings | 
| Contour distance matrix | 
Clustering | 
Districts | 
e eee 
Orientation estimation for 
each District 
Modeling for each 
Figure 3 main orientation estimation 
This technique increases the accuracy significantly, because 
larger samples give more robust estimation. Fig 4 shows a 
modelling result for a test sample district naming datal using 
BDPC. Fig. 4 shows the building PPO (a) and the groups of the 
district (b) in various colour. The district division is not so 
correct for the houses arranged as one row in the middle of the 
scene. Some of them are falsely classified as their neighbouring 
blocks, so their orientation estimations are wrong. Fig. 5 
displays the detected district orientation by the same colour 
with that in Fig. 4 superimposed on the angle histogram 
respectively. Each of the figures shows approximately two- 
peaks distribution of the angles, which different by about 90 
degrees. The two peaks corresponding to the main orientation 
couple for this district. 
Figure 4 District grouping 

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