Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

ne XXXIX-B3, 2012 
ointing is accomplished 
re image 
1] o; [m] RA 
9 0.242 1/1963 
3 0.482 1/1601 
0 0.200 1/2813 
0 0.300 1/1578 
0 0.500 1/699 
H =820m in RA 
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Y, Z coordinates 
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e constrained by laser 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B3, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
4.2 Object extraction 
Object extraction procedures using experimental data are shown 
in Chapter 3. It can be said that object shape extraction using 
the conversion between object space and image space for 
camera calibration was successful. Figure 12 shows 3D 
modelling of the object extraction result. Blue line shape is 
obtained by manual plotting, red dots are rough shape by laser, 
and green line is object extraction result. Object extraction 
procedures can create 3D models; however, it produces strange 
shapes owing to mismatches. 
Figure 12. 3D modelling 
A camera calibration technique and object extraction 
procedures were developed in this study in order to achieve 3D 
modeling using ALS data and digital camera images. 
It is confirmed that camera calibration using pseudo GCPs and 
simultaneous adjustment shows GSI restrictions of less than 
1/500 and more than 1/1000 in generating each scale map. 
Therefore, it is concluded that simultaneous adjustment using 
pseudo GCPs, distance conditions, and geometric constraint 
conditions is practical because the simultaneous adjustments 
perform interior and exterior orientations without any GCPs or 
aerial triangulation. 
The object extraction procedure was established using ALS data 
and digital images. The normal vector map is a useful tool for 
operator interpretation and rough object shape extraction. 
Moreover, it was effective at extracting object shapes by image 
processing using ALS data. 
However, there are some issues requiring further investigation. 
These problems include accuracy improvement and automatic 
generation of pseudo GCPs for camera calibration and object 
shape extraction. 
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