Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

rlin was chosen, consisting 
All images were taken at 
te of that, the automatic tie 
.]l. The achieved relative 
in with imagery of the 
r scenarios not included in 
e to the generally lower 
ckBird in compare to its 
3), as shown in Table 2, is 
pointing accuracy of the 
he absolute and relative 
a set of precisely measured 
ints not used for bundle 
ndependent reference. 
ell PowerEdge T610 with 
CPUs at 2.93GHz. For all 
could be performed in at 
> preparation time tpreperation 
tep requires relatively little 
| SGM processing step on 
The Dunedin scenario took 
arger height range, caused 
"took very little time as 
2 m because of the low 
4 processing per square 
GSDpsm, the number of 
able 2 the processing times 
matching and orthophoto 
'nt scenarios. 
tof Berlin, textured by 
For aerial image processing, it has been shown (Hirschmüller 
and Bucher, 2010) that the height error of SGM is around 
half of the GSD, additional to the registration error. In our 
experience, the same quality can be reached with satellite 
Figure : Reconstruction of a part of Cape Town 
It has been discussed that processing high resolution digital 
surface models from satellite images on a productive level 
requires a fully automatic and robust approach. This paper 
presented a solution to this problem. This results in a huge 
gain in productivity and cost-efficiency. From the large 
number of already processed scenes, examples were given 
with images from DigitalGlobe satellites. However, the 
developed method has also been tested with many datasets 
from an airborne line camera (Wohlfeil, 2010 and 2011). 
The processing times needed on the mentioned test machine 
can be reduced significantly to a very small fraction via 
parallelization since most time is consumed by SGM 
matching, which can run in parallel if more CPU cores or 
more computers are available. 
The remaining manual interaction can be reduced further. 
Suitable parameters (orientation, season, etc.) from an image 
database will be subject of further investigation in order to 
select images automatically. We also see good chances in 
refining the SRTM-based water masks by existing or new 
image processing algorithms in order to get optimal results 
even in regions where water covered areas change fast. 
Besides water masking, it is also important to mask clouds. 
As only in one of all processed scenarios clouds occurred this 
issue was not treated yet. But it is regarded to be solved 
easily as there are many different algorithms available that 
are capable of segmenting clouds automatically due to their 
high intensity values and homogenous structure. 
We would like to thank DigitalGlobe for kindly allowing us 
to use the imagery for our research. 
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