Full text: Technical Commission IV (B4)

according to the mapping guidelines of the Korea National 
Geographic Information Institute(NGII). Then we compare 
plotted features of each image and reference data, analyze the 
relation between the number of plotted features and image 
quality. The result of experiments will be able to show critical 
parameters of image quality on digital map generation. 
In this experiments, high resolution satellite images, QuickBird, 
IKONOS and KOMPSAT-2, were used. The study area was 
over Daejeon, Korea. The area included major layers of 1:5000 
digital map feature catalogues such as railroad, river, road, 
building, type of ground, facilities and topography. Figure 1, 2 
and 3 shows QuickBird, IKONOS and KOMPSAT -2 stereo 
pair over Daejeon, Korea, and Table 1 , 2 and 3 indicate their 
Figure 1. QuickBird stereo pair over Daejeon, Korea 
Table 1. The properties of the used QuickBird stereo pair. 
Left ight 
Sensor i ird 
Date of isition 15 Jan 2005 
GSD X(m 0.829 
GSD Y(m 0.708 
No.GCP 22 
Figure 2. IKONOS stereo pair over Daejeon, Korea 
Table 2. The properties of the used IKONOS stereo pair. 
Left ight 
Sensor IKONOS-2 
Date of isition 7 Jul 2002 
GSD X(m 0.900 
GSD Y(m 0.960 
No.GCP 10 
Figure 3. KOMPSAT-2 stereo pair over Daejeon, Korea 
Table 3. The properties of the used KOMPSAT-2 stereo pair. 
Left ight 
Sensor KOMPSAT-2 
Date of isition 10 May 2007 
GSD X(m 1.295 1.042 
GSD Y(m 1.095 1.013 
No.GCP 16 16 
Estimation of Image Quality 
The image quality parameters such as RER(Relative Edge 
Response), GSD, SNR, GRD and NIIRS are used widely. As 
mentioned above, however, GSD does not reflected image 
interpretability sufficiently. SNR, which tells the amount of 
noise of images, is not appropriate to explain the overall quality 
of image since it can only describe specific aspects of the image 
quality. Thus it is issued to use RER, GRD and NIIRS that 
indicate image interpretability. RER is estimated as the 
difference of edge response at -0.5 pixel and +0.5pixel from the 
center of edge. GRD and NIIRS are determined by equations 
including image quality parameters that estimated by edge 
analysis method. The artificial targets that is needed for edge 
analysis have some problems such as high cost to set up. For 
these reasons, our previous researches performed to estimate 
GRD and NIIRS using natural targets and validated for 
reliability of results(Kim et al., 2010; Kim and Kim, 2011). 
In this experiment, we measured RER, SNR, GRD and NIIRS 
using edge analysis method based on natural targets. NIIRS is 
estimated by two versions with different coefficients. 
Generation of 1:5000 Scale Digital Map 
According to the guidelines of NGII, digital map scaled by 
1:5000 is composed of 587 geographic feature layers and this 
study area includes 95 layers of these layers. Also, layers 
dependant to image acquisition time, required field survey, 
reference data and additional editing were excluded because maps 
were plotted using only digital photogrammetric workstation 
here. After this process, 33 layers of 95 layers were possible to 
plot. Figure 4 presents the result of digital map generation using 
aerial photograph over study area. This map was used as the 
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