Full text: Technical Commission IV (B4)

In this paper, we generated the digital maps at 1:5000 scale 
using three high resolution satellite images for analysis of the 
effects of image quality on generation digital map, and we 
compared plotted features between satellite images and aerial 
photograph. Also image quality was estimated quantitatively 
and compared these results with the number of plotted features. 
The results of experiments showed that digital maps generated 
by various satellite images could produce different results even 
if they have similar spatial resolution. RER, GRD and NIIRS 
that tell the image interpretability were critical parameters than 
GSD for digital map generation. 
Main contribution of this study is the investigation of the 
plotted features extracted by various satellite images and 
analyze the effect of image quality from the results of plotted 
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The work in the paper is supported by research grant from 
*Kompsat-3 System Develop ment Project" of Korea Aerospace 
Research Institute and "the supporting project to educate GIS 
experts" of Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements. 

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