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B. Reitinger, M. Sormann, L. Zebedin, B. Schachinger, M. Hoefler, R. Tomasi, M. Lamperter, B. Gruber,
G. Schiester, M. Kobald, M. Unger, A. Klaus, S. Bernoegger, K. Karner, A. Wiechert, M. Ponticelli, M. Gruber
Microsoft Photogrammetry, Graz, Austria
Commission IV, WG IV/3
KEY WORDS: UltraMap, dense matching, semi-global matching, ortho mosaicking, ortho processing.
In the last years, Microsoft has driven innovation in the acrial photogrammetry community. Besides the market leading camera
technology, UltraMap has grown to an outstanding photogrammetric workflow system which enables users to effectively work with
large digital aerial image blocks in a highly automated way. Best example is the project-based color balancing approach which
automatically balances images to a homogeneous block. UltraMap V3 continues innovation, and offers a revolution in terms of ortho
processing. A fully automated dense matching module strives for high precision digital surface models (DSMs) which are calculated
either on CPUs or on GPUs using a distributed processing framework. By applying constrained filtering algorithms, a digital terrain
model can be derived which in turn can be used for fully automated traditional ortho texturing. By having the knowledge about the
underlying geometry, seamlines can be generated automatically by applying cost functions in order to minimize visual disturbing
artifacts. By exploiting the generated DSM information, a DSMOrtho is created using the balanced input images. Again, seamlines
are detected automatically resulting in an automatically balanced ortho mosaic. Interactive block-based radiometric adjustments lead
to a high quality ortho product based on UltraCam imagery. UltraMap v3 is the first fully integrated and interactive solution for
supporting UltraCam images at best in order to deliver DSM and ortho imagery.
In the last years, Microsoft has often demonstrated innovation in
the photogrammetry community. The latest innovation was the
launch of the new flagship the “UltraCam Eagle” (Wiechert, TI NE
Gruber, & Ponticelli, 2011). UltraMap, which is the software $4
workflow system for the UltraCam, has also shown cutting edge
technology in the past. One example is the project-based colour
balancing, which is able to automatically remove physically
based colour artefacts taking a block's geometry into account.
With the new UltraMap v3, we introduce a fully automated
processing pipeline which allows processing UltraCam imagery
to a digital surface model (DSM) including a DSMOrtho (ortho
mosaic based on an automatically generated DSM). In addition,
we offer a traditional ortho mosaic, which we call a DTMOrtho.
A further output of our pipeline is a 3D point cloud, which is DSM Generation m
able to deliver a very high point density per square meter.
By exploiting the latest Microsoft’s developments, we are able
to deliver a very high quality DSM which strives for high
accuracy without any manual interaction. Since our ortho
mosaicking approach takes into account all available inputs (i.c.
a DSM and also an automatically generated DTM), UltraMap
v3 is able to generate seamlines at desired paths (i.c. avoid
passing through houses); remaining seamline editing for
challenging regions are fixed by exploiting our DragonFly
technology (Reitinger, Hoefler, Lengauer, Tomasi, Lamperter,
& Gruber, 2008). DragonFly is a responsive visualization
engine for quality control and interaction with user experience
for working with large image blocks. Figure 1 UltraMap v3 processing pipeline.
Ortho Generation