as part of the nomination strategy. Corridors are route segments
capturing a variety of paths and roads as well as types of unique
heritage sites along the Silk Roads, 54 main corridors were
identified from which two along Central Asia and China will be
nominated in a first phase (Williams 2012). This concept was
proposed by the ICOMOS Silk Roads Thematic Study based on
the outcomes of the Ittingen meeting, where the possibility of
“nominating a series of single properties under a common
framework (but not constituting a single property)” was
discussed (Swiss Federal Office of Culture et al. 2010, pp.70—
71), to find a more sustainable way to carry out nominations
and manage the sites after their inscription.
Nominations like the Silk Roads, including more than several
dozens of sites, require not just good coordination among the
State Parties involved but also appropriate tools and
methodologies to properly document the sites. Among the
Central Asian countries, the Monument Passport System was
identified as the common inventory system. However, the
information included is often insufficient for the WH
nomination or not digitized (Williams 2012). Here, technical
support is required. One exception is the example of
Kazakhstan where passport forms are digital and improved
according to international standards, and the recording
methodology of heritage sites could be used as a best practice in
other parts of the region. In response to this need, since 2010,
the Belgian Federal Science Policy Office (BELSPO) is funding
together with the support of the WHC, and in collaboration with
the State Parties involved in the nomination, a three-year
project: the Silk Roads Cultural Heritage Resource Information
System (CHRIS). It aims to assist the documentation and
preparation of the serial transnational Silk Roads WH
nominations as well as their later management and monitoring
with the development and implementation of a Geospatial
Content Management System (GeoCMS).
Documentation is the first step to understand the heritage sites
and their context. This is achieved by gathering adequate
baseline information on values, stakeholders, physical condition
and management practices (Demas 2002), data that could be
recorded, structured and shared in an easier manner with the use
of IMS.
The physical conditions of the site or monument as well as the
threats and causes of deterioration could be recorded by
different surveying techniques from direct hand measurements
to advanced digital technology such as laser scanners or remote
sensing tools, depending on the complexity and scale of the site
(Bryan et al. 2009). This variety of tools produces different
types of data that later are integrated in a single system. In case
of serial transnational nominations, this task is more complex as
a large volume of data has to be handled. Metadata and data
standardization are also essential, as information needs to be
shared among several stakeholders. The geographical location
of the sites plays a crucial role to better understand the context,
gather additional information about the sites or perform
comparative or advanced analysis on them such as identifying
the trend of threats affecting the properties. To support the latter
task, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Remote
Sensing proved to be valuable tools (Hernandez 2002).
2.1 GIS and Remote Sensing as tools for documentation
and detecting changes
GIS and Remote Sensing are tools increasingly often used in
conservation of cultural and natural heritage. GIS has emerged
as a mean to manage and analyse information more efficiently
and effectively (DiBiase et al. 2006). This tool not only answers
questions such as "what" or "when" but specifically the "where"
question by creating relationships between the data and the
spatial information recorded in a database (Longley et al. 2011).
GIS includes spatially, non-spatially and temporally related
features. In the example of cultural heritage, spatial features
provide always a location showing e.g. how close the sites are
related to other objects or which sites are within certain
boundaries; non-spatially related information show for example
the gender of the person buried and temporally related to e.g.
time dates. These attributes brought together in a GIS
environment have the capability to keep track of all the data
acquired, classify it in different types, and allow its spatial
visualization and analysis.
GIS has a variety of applications in cultural heritage. It is
mainly used in field work to record data of excavations, in
modelling to create surface models to locate archaeological
remains, in resource and data management or land use
archaeology to prepare data for future field survey.
Some common GIS applications for cultural heritage are spatial
queries, thematic maps, or management of remote sensing data.
First, spatial queries display the spatial information rapidly
enough to find additional information on e.g. topological
connections or relationship between objects, distribution of
survey data to visualize site development in the past or in
tourism management, by performing complex analyses that
allow for customized maps, charts and statistics, e.g.
superimposing layers. Second, thematic maps developed out of
the data illustrate e.g. the distribution of objects or sites within
an area (Longley et al. 2011). Finally, remote sensing
technologies include the use of (1) satellite images, (2)
prospection and (3) digitization.
(1) Satellite images are commonly used to identify new sites
and delimit boundaries (composite satellite images) or changes
(multi-temporal images) as shown in the examples below.
Aminzadeh and Samani (2006) implemented the use of
composite satellite images to delineate the ancient boundaries
of Persepolis in Iran. A combination of Landsat ETM+, black
and white aerial images and topographic maps, was used to
detect archaeological features and remains of possible guard
walls and watchtowers. Barlindhaug et al. (2007) applied the
multi-temporal images method to detect natural re-growth
processes and to identify archaeological sites threatened by
these processes. This study used the bands of Landsat images of
three archaeological sites in Norway to calculate the
Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) used to
differentiate vegetation from other types of land use. For
visualization purposes, including temporal changes, Google
Maps satellite view offered as background layer could be an
affordable solution. For example, it is possible to view images
from several acquisition dates by using the timeline application,
with which temporal changes can be visualized, such as the
shrinkage of the Aral Sea. (2) Prospection is a non-destructive
method useful e.g. in archaeology to discover new sites or to
identify the full extent of the site and define and map the
relevant areas, without actually disturbing the site. Common
remote sensing prospection techniques are aircraft-mounted
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