same accuracy for classification approach. These selected
features have been used as inputs for the classification and
recognition methods. We evaluated and compared several
classifiers provided by WEKA, namely Baysian Network, the
Support Vector Machine (LibSVM), k-Nearest Neighbor
(kNN), and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) (Saeedi et al.,
2011). The SVM has the best performance in this case and have
been shown in figure 6.
Uncertainty is an integral part of the extracted context
information and it is mostly caused by the imperfectness and
incompleteness of sensed data and classification models. For
example, it is difficult to detect if the phone is in the pocket or
on the belt based on low-level sensing information such as
accelerometer signals. Therefore, in our work we used Fuzzy
Inference Engine (FIS) to transform the data into higher-level
descriptions of context information. The hybrid method is
capable of handling the uncertainty of the activities recognized
using signal processing, removing the conflicts and preserving
consistency of detected contexts, and filling the gaps. The list of
linguistic variables and their corresponding membership
functions is mentioned in table 3).
Table 3. Definition of fuzzy input variables
: Proper >.7
Walking patiem Medium >4 &<.7
Poor <.4
3t. high < 7
Connectivity Medium 7.4 and <.7
between activities
low > 4
Good 1-4
Moderate 5-10
GPSDOP fair 10-20
Poor >20
GPS velocity Driving >10 (m)
Pedestrian <10 (m)
In the next step fuzzy rules between the input and the output
membership functions has been defined. These rules are
determined using an experienced human. Based on the defined
membership functions and the rules, fuzzy reasoning for the
conjugate point determination is carried out in a Mamdani type
(Zadeh, 1965) fuzzy reasoning structure. In the following four
sample rules for detecting context information are presented:
If walking correlation of dangling is proper and connectivity of
dangling is high then context is dangling
If GPS velocity is driving and GPS-DOP is good or moderate
then environment is outdoor
In designing rule repository, the designer can define specific
constraints to incorporate common-sense knowledge. This will
reduce the amount of required training data and makes the rule
mining computationally efficient An example of such a
constraint is that a person cannot drive while in an indoor
environment. Therefore our rule repository is composed of a
number of predicates generated by the user and designer along
with the mined association rules. These rules are stored in a
knowledge-base (KB) that facilitates the modification, updating
or removing the rules. In the rule based engine, different types
of rules have different levels of confidence and reliability.
The core of the vision-aided pedestrian navigation system
consists of GPS location and velocity information for retrieving
absolute positioning while the position aid (velocity and
heading change rate) information is provided from frame to
frame camera images. These measurements are integrated using
a KF filter (Aggarwal et al., 2010) that is presented briefly in
the following section. The design of the integrated pedestrian
navigation algorithm is shown in figure 5. The contexts that are
useful for vision-aided system include: device orientation (e.g.
face-up/down, vertical or portrait modes), device location
(texting mode) and activity of the user (e.g. walking mode).
Also, the context information about sensor's availability and
accuracy can be used to select the device dynamic and
observation model in the KF.
Context Recognition Module
User Activity | Device Orientation
Computer Y, V
GPS (9,A),V
T» ue
(ve) =
uonisod (qz
Figure 5. The multi-sensor pedestrian navigation diagram using
context-aware vision-aided observation
In this paper the dynamic system is based on whether the user is
in texting mode while walking in an outdoor environment. In
order to model the characteristics of the two-dimensional
motion of a walking user we have used Dead Reckoning (DR)
algorithms. DR is the determination of a new position from the
knowledge of a previously known position, using the current
distance and heading information. In a 2D-navigation, the
current coordinates (E;, N,) with respect to a previously known
position (E+-1, Nç-1) can be computed as follows:
E, — Ec, t Spi sin Uca (1)
N, — Nea + Sie-1,t) COS Ye-1 (2)
where Sy, denote the distance travelled by the user since
time t — 1 and y. , is the user's heading since time t — 1.
4.1 Kalman Filter
The absolute position observations from GPS and heading
measurements obtained from camera have been integrated using
a KF. This filter uses the dynamic model to make a prediction
of the state in the next time step. Then, it uses an observation
model to compare the predicted and observed states. The
dynamic equation of a KF is (Aggarwal et al., 2010):
Xk = Pr-1Xk-1 + Wk-1 (3)
where, x, is the state vector, dy , represents the transition
matrix that relates the state of a previous time to the current
time, and wy is the process noise which is assumed to be drawn
from a Zero mean multivariate normal
distribution with covariance Qy ( wy—N(0, Q&) ). In this case,
the dynamic equations for vision aided GPS is:
Ex+1 = Ex + Ve : sin Vi : At + wy (4)
Nis1 = Nk t V: cos yy: At t w? (5)
Vr+r — Uk t Ws (6)
Yr+1ı — Uk: Atk t Vy + Wa (7)
Vier = Vk + ws (8)