Full text: Technical Commission IV (B4)

; to 
y in 
(T ls 
where E, N represent the absolute position in the East and North 
coordinate, both in meters, V (m/s) is the speed,  (radian) the 
heading defined with the origin North and clockwise positive, 
and J (radian/s) the heading change rate. The variable At 
presents the time between two epochs. The state vector in our 
system is: 
xx =[Ex Ng jy Ux WX] (9) 
To avoid linearization, the state transition matrix is defined here 
simplified as: 
0 0 0 sin Via Atyk 
1:50 0. cosyn.744, 
0 1 0 0 (10) 
QA, 1 0 
0 0.0 1 
®, is approximated as a constant matrix at every time epoch k. 
Observation Model general form is presented in equation (11) 
and is defined according to the information provided by the 
GPS and visual sensor. 
Zy — HyXy t Vk (11) 
where zy, is the observation vector, Hy is the observation model 
which relates the state space into the observed space and vy is 
the observation noise which is assumed to be zero mean 
Gaussian white noise with covariance Ry (wy, N(0, Ry). 
The number of measurements fed to the filter is varied on an 
epoch-to-epoch basis based on the availability of the sensors 
and its data rate. The non-availability situation of the visual 
aiding is based on the matching accuracy and was discussed in 
the computer vision section of this paper. The accuracy of the 
GPS sensor is also available on the android smartphones. The 
full-scale measurement vector (zy) is as follows: 
zx = [Egps Naps Vars Weam Veaml (12) 
The KF works in two phases: the prediction and the update. In 
the first phase, the filter propagates the states and state’s 
accuracies using the dynamic matrix ®_; and $t , (estimated 
in the previous epoch), based on this equation: Ry = OR}. 
Then the covariance matrix Py can be estimated using P. , . 
The usual equation to calculate P, is Pg = ® PF df + 
Qk-1. In the update phase the state is corrected by a robust 
blending of prediction solution with the update measurements 
based on the following equation: 
Rx = Ri + Ky(zx — HRY) (13) 
where K is the Kalman gain obtained by: 
K = PHI (H, Pc Hf + Ry). The update of the covariance 
takes place with the equation: PB} = Po — Ki HP. 
The potential of the proposed method are evaluated through 
comprehensive experimental tests conducted on a wide variety 
of datasets using a Samsung Galaxy Note smartphone. Multiple 
sensors are integrated on the circuit board including MEMS tri- 
axial accelerometers (STMicroelectronics — k3dh), three 
orthogonal gyros (K3G), a back camera (Samsung SSKSBAF- 
2MP that can record video frames in HD format, and a GPS 
receiver module. To gather data from the phone, an application 
called TPI android logger (developed by MMSS research group 
at the University of Calgary) is used. These applications can be 
used in real time and collect data with a timestamp. 
For the context recognition, extensive pedestrian field tests have 
been performed. First, training datasets for accelerometer and 
gyro signals were collected for 10 minutes: three users were 
asked to perform walking around a tennis court repeatedly with 
different activities and device orientations such as on belt, in 
pocket, carting in the backpack, in-hand dangling, texting and 
talking modes. After the activity recognition step, the classified 
results were compared with the known placement 
configurations as shown in figure 6 to evaluate the accuracy of 
the context recognition. 
Stationary : A 
Driving | 
Walking ;€ 
Bicking | 
In hand (Dangling) ;& 
In hand (Reading) ;& 
Close to ear : 
In a Pants pocket | 
On belt i8 
In hand bag _ 
In backpack . 
In a Jacket pocket | 
0 20 40 60 80 100 
Figure 6: Recognition rates for different activities using 
Feature-level fusion algorithm (SVM) 
Figure 6 shows the recognition rate for each activity using 
SVM. By investigating each activity's recognition rate, it can be 
inferred that the user activities such as: texting, driving, 
walking, running, taking stairs and elevator modes have an 
accuracy of 95%. In contrast, the classification models cannot 
distinguish between the device placements such as in pocket 
and on belt. This is expected because the way the users put their 
navigators in pocket and bags are quite ambiguous. In the case 
of vision-aided pedestrian navigation, we only need the rexting- 
mode and this mode can be detected from accelerometer sensor 
with the accuracy of almost 82%. In this mode, the orientation 
of the device (i.e. landscape or portrait mode) can be detected 
with an accuracy of almost 93%. 
Finally, a dataset with two combined user context was collected 
for testing the total context-aware and navigation solution. The 
user walked along the side-line of a tennis court in a close loop. 
During the loop, the user changed the placement twice before 
and after making turns which represents a very challenging 
situation for vision navigation. Using the classification 
algorithm, the system recognized the mode change and adapts 
the most suitable vision-based heading estimation 
automatically. Then, to accomplish vision-aided solution, the 
frame rate of four images per second was used. The resolution 
of the images was down-sampled to 320x240 pixels. The frame 
rate of 4 Hz was chosen because the experiments show that it 
provides sufficient information to capture meaningful motion 
vectors in different scenarios. A comparison of integrated 
navigation solutions is shown in Figure 7. The tennis court is 
located between two buildings and therefore, the smartphone's 
GPS navigation solution has been degraded. As it can be seen 
from the figure, without using the context-aware vision-aided 
navigation, the GPS solution in comparison with the vision 
sensor is not accurate enough and unable to discern turns. 

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