Full text: Technical Commission IV (B4)

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| DTM 
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or each 
point the elevation difference, Ah,,, =h, —h has been 
The points located within the lakes of Lombardy and Piedmont 
are characterized by a constant Ah: for example points 
belonging to the Lago Maggiore in Piedmont are characterized 
by a constant Ah equal to 1 meter and points belonging to the 
Lago di Livigno in Lombardy has a constant Ah of 15 m. To 
avoid that these blunders influence the final statistics they have 
been removed from the datasets. The analyses on the height 
differences have been done following this schema: 
e statistical analysis, 
e subdivision of the differences into classes and computation 
of the percentage of points belonging to each class, 
e spatial analysis of the distribution of differences. 
3.1.1 Results and statistics of the comparison between 
Switzerland and Lombardy DTMs: The CH DTM has been 
interpolated directly on the comparison points (which are in 
ETRF89). Since the Lombardy DTM is in R40-GB 
(cartographic coordinates), the comparison points have been 
transformed from ETRF89 to R40-GB before doing the 
interpolation, by adopting the afore mentioned GK2CNV 
The sample has been considered from a statistical point of view: 
* number of points = 256737 
e mean  g(Ahj) = -0.1 m 
* variance: o (Ahi) = 357 m? 
eo std. c(Ah; ) = t189m 
* max max(Ah; ) = 352 m 
* min: min(Ah; ) = -257 m 
The sample has mean almost equal to zero and standard 
deviation greater but comparable with the altimetric accuracies 
of the two DTMs. 
The sample has been classified by absolute values. The result of 
this operation has been summarized in Table 3 : more than 80% 
of the points present differences smaller than 20 meters. On this 
regard the results are satisfactory. On the other hand, several 
(964) outliers (IAhl » 100m) are present. 
Class | Limits Percentage 
1 0 m x IAhl « 10m 60.6896 
2 10 m € I^hl « 20 m 23.4790 
3 20 m € IAhl « 50 m 13.3196 
4 50 m € IAhl « 100 m 2.17% 
5 100 m € IAhl « 150 m 0.28% 
6 IAhl 2 150 m 0.10% 
Table 3. Classes of elevation differences between Switzerland 
and Lombardy and their percentages 
As concerns the distribution of the sample, Figure 2 shows the 
frequency curve of the height differences, compared to a 
Gaussian with the same mean and standard deviation of the 
sample and computed in the interval -30=+36. There is no 
correspondence between them, in particular in the neighborhood 
of +6, where the sample tends to differ from the theoretical 
distribution. This is confirmed by the classical chi square 
adapting test. 
Figure 3 shows the spatial distribution of the differences. Note 
that the overlapping region between the two DTMs is in 
Lombardy, because the CH DTM covers part of the Italian 
region, while the viceversa does not happen. The figure shows 
that the biggest differences are concentrated in some specific 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B4, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
areas, that do not correspond to the most mountainous areas. For 
example, the North-East. part has higher mountains than the 
central one where more outliers are present. The correlations 
between the differences and both the heights and the local 
slopes have been computed: none of them is significant (both 
the values are smaller than 0.05). This phenomenon is probably 
due to some problem during the realization of the DTMs (i.e. 
errors in the digitization of the cartography to obtain the 
DTMs): specific analyses have been started and will be reported 
in a following paper. 
x19 Adjustment of the sample to a gaussian (u=-0.06 m, c=19m) 
— sample distribution | 
| 7*7: normal distribution | 
2 A 
f 1 
15 j \ 
/ À 
= J nc 
& 77 ~~ 
/ X 
1 A N n 
fi x 
/ \ 
‘ / \ N 
Pf xx 
yf N ^. 
05 £7 x 
17 À 
A x 
ae A 
E cum EE 
-B0 -40 20 20 40 60 
A(h) [m] 
Figure 2. Adjustment of the height differences (Switzerland- 
Lombardy DTMs) sample to a Gaussian distribution 
3.1.2 Results and statistics of the comparison between 
Switzerland and Piedmont DTMs: In this case the two DTMs 
are in the same reference frame (ETRF89). The statistics of the 
differences are reported below: 
e number of points = 824057 
e mean:  g(Ahp) = 1.3m 
* variance: c (Ahp) = 666 m? 
e std: c(Ahp) = +25.8m 
* max: max(Ahp) = 318m 
® min: min(Ahp) = -265 m 
The mean of the differences is greater than 1 meter. This value 
is not significant if compared to the nominal accuracy of the 
datasets. However, a bias in the Piedmont DTM seems 
confirmed by its comparison with the Lombardy DTM (here not 
discussed for space reasons). Also in this case deeper analyses 
are needed. 
In this case, the standard deviation of the differences is 
significantly bigger than the nominal accuracies of the two 
DTMs under consideration. 
As in the Lombardy case, the sample distribution does not fit a 
Gaussian distribution with the same mean and standard 
deviation of the sample. 
After the computation of the elevation differences Ahp, the 
sample has been divided into the six classes used already for 
Lombardy (Table 4). In this case the differences smaller than 20 
meters are less than 70 96 and more outliers are present (4637). 
Figure 4 shows the spatial distribution of elevation differences 
over the overlapping area of the two DTMs. Differently from 
the previous case, there aren't areas characterized by particular 
anomalies and the Ahp change gradually from class 1 to 6. 
These considerations allow to exclude the presence of some 
systematic behavior in the realization of the DTMs. The 
correlations between the differences and both the heights and 
the local slopes are not significant (both the values are smaller 
than 0.05).

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