Full text: Technical Commission IV (B4)

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4.2 Initial production steps 
The first step of the production consists in extracting as much as 
possible elevation data from optical HRS archive, built over 
years, and then to determine which areas should be covered by 
TerraSAR-X data (to be acquired on purpose). This includes the 
» HRS pairs integration in the continental space-triangulation 
= Pair matching - Raw HRS DEM computation 
= HRS DEM merging and mosaicking 
= Void Mask extraction => determination of TSX area 
= Water Mask delineation 
Then the missing parts are collected by TerraSAR-X, and the 
following tasks take place: 
" Ascending and descending pairs acquisition on TSX area 
= Raw TSX DEM computing (radargrammetry matching) 
=» Raw TSX DEM merging and mosaicking 
1» Water Mask delineation (on areas not already covered by 
HRS Water mask) 
These steps were performed in their “standard way” by the staff 
in charge of DEM production both in Germany for TerraSAR-X, 
and in Toulouse (France) for SPOT 5 HRS. 
4.3 DEM merging 
After this began a more specific processing chain, directly 
linked with AJAX: 
="  Merging of DEMs from HRS and TSX 
= Automatic detection of voids and artefacts 
= Patching of remaining voids with SRTM) DEM 
from the Internet (resampled to 1 arc.second) 
= Edition Phase 
= Water flattening on merged DEM, using the 
Water Masks previously delineated 
« DID (Double-Line Drains) processing: the 
rivers are made flowing smoothly downstream 
« Final DEM quality control, visual detection of 
remaining artefacts => digitisation of uncertified 
areas ; registering into the corresponding mask 
At the end of the day, the resulting AJAX DEM originates in 
balanced parts from TerraSAR-X and SPOT 5, as shown in 
Figure 3 below: 
Figure 3 - Sources of the AJAX DEM. 
TerraSAR-X is shown in black, SPOT 5 HRS in white. 
Since the beginning of the production in 2002, Quality Control 
and Validation steps represent a significant part of the 
Elevation30 production flow (15 to 20% as an average). The 
merging of radar and optical DEMs of course introduces the 
necessity of a dedicated V&V process. 
5.1 Control of the merging 
Indeed, we were very pleased that the two different DEMs, 
extracted from 100% independent sources (TerraSAR-X and 
SPOT 5) by 100% different and independent teams —though 
equally skilled and experimented- in Germany and France 
proved extremely consistent, as demonstrated by the histogram 
of elevation differences (Figure 4). 
45000 + 
40000 + 
35000 + 
30390 - 
20000 + 
15000 + 
Figure 4 — HRS and TerraSAR-X Elevation differences. 
The overall bias between the two DEMSs is 0.80m (TSX higher 
than HRS), and more than 90% of the differences are less or 
equal to 4m. Thanks to this excellent result, no unbiasing/ 
elevation adjustment was applied during the merging process. 
5.2 Absolute validation of the DEM vs ICESAT data 
From Carabajal and Harding (2005), the Geoscience Laser 
Altimeter System (GLAS) on the Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation 
Satellite (ICESat) provides a globally-distributed data set well 
suited for evaluating the vertical accuracy of digital elevation 
models (DEMs). These authors quote a vertical error of 0.04 + 
0.13 m per degree of incidence angle. As compared to the 
Elevation30 accuracy specifications, these figures are small 
enough to entitle ICESat a perfect data source to assess the 
AJAX DEM accuracy. 
Whatever precise in elevation, the ICESAT measure refers to a 
near-circular 70m spot on the ground, far larger that the AJAX 
posting interval (1 arc.second, ie approx 30m in Colombia). 
Therefore, the first step of the production process is filtering the 
adequate ICESat dataset to carefully select elevations that can 
be used with reasonable doubt as “ground truth". The filtering 
process is based upon the local slope; land cover is not 
considered. Please refer to Le Hir et al. (2010) for more details 
on the filtering and selection process of ICESAT data.

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