Figure 2. Estimated tree height offset for the arca shown in
Figure 1.
least as high within the core of the patch compared to the edges.
The impact of these errors is relatively minor and the method
adequately deals with the most troublesome aspect of the
artefacts, the abrupt changes in height at patch edges.
The techniques described here were applied to 813 1°x1° tiles
covering Australia. Effective removal of vegetation offsets,
assessed by visual examination of DEM, was achieved for about
90% of the vegetated area of the Australian continent. The
remaining areas contain offsets that were untreated or only
partially removed, or areas where the offsets were over-
estimated. Most of these defects are related to the tree cover
mapping and have several causes including:
e the mapping could not distinguish between trees and
other ground cover; in some cases areas of trees are
missed while in other cases areas not covered by trees
are classified as tree-covered
e there were significant changes of tree cover in the
time between the imagery capture for the mapping
and the SRTM radar mission
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B4, 2012
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia
Figure 3. Landsat image (left), DSM (centre) and DEM (right) near Nelson, Victoria, 141.08?E 37.98°S
Some of the defects are due to the algorithms, particularly over-
estimation of tree height offset where vegetation and terrain
patterns coincide (such as tree covered rises in cleared
agricultural land) or in areas of low vegetation height where the
constraints on acceptable height estimates may have produced
biased estimates by omitting small but correct height offsets.
Coincidence of vegetation and terrain patterns can also result in
under-estimated offsets, for example in riparian forests filling
inset floodplains. The interpolation of height offsets across
large areas of continuously wooded landscape also appears to
have resulted in under-estimation of tree height offset in much
of the interior of the patches.
Figure 3 shows an area where some areas affected by tree
offsets have not been effectively removed because of differences
between the tree cover map and the patterns of offsets in the
SRTM DSM, presumably due to changes in tree cover between
the Landsat and SRTM acquisition dates. The regular patchy
nature of the tree cover is due to plantation forest harvesting
and replanting. Figure 3 also illustrates over-estimation of tree
height offsets around the river. The river is incised, bordered by
cliffs nearly 20 m high, and the algorithm has been unable to
separate the co-incident effects of sudden terrain change and
tree cover change thus interpreting the cliffs as tree heights and
substantially over-estimating the tree height offset. The removal
of this apparent offset has largely removed the cliffs and
produced land heights beside the river comparable to the river
surface height.
Improvements in the quality of the derived bare-earth DEM
could readily be achieved by correcting parts of the tree cover
map that did not correspond well with the offsets in the SRTM
DSM. It is also likely that the algorithms could be enhanced to
provide more accurate results.
3.1 Applications within Australia
The bare-carth DEM produced from the SRTM DSM is still
quite noisy and lacks the hydrological connectivity needed by
some applications. The DEM for Australia has been further
processed to produce a smoothed (DEM-S) product and a
hydrologically enforced product (DEM-H). From these two
products a suite of commonly used terrain attributes have been
derived, which are now being used for ecological, hydrological
and geomorphological purposes. The stream networks and
catchments derived from DEM-H will underpin the ongoing
refinement of the Australian Hydrological Geospatial Fabric