Full text: Technical Commission IV (B4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B4, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
Analysis Center (ERSDAC) in cooperation with the University 
of Tokyo and Mitsubishi Materials Techno Corporation (under 
contract to ERSDAC). As before, the GDEM2 will be 
distributed at no charge to users through ERSDAC on behalf of 
METI, and at the Land Processes Distributed Active Archive 
Center (LP DAAC), located at the USGS Earth Resource 
Observation and Science Center (EROS), on behalf of NASA. 
2.1 Japan/ERSDAC validation 
The Japanese validation team's methods for evaluating the 
GDEM2 is documented in detail by Tachikawa et al. (2011), but 
is briefly summarized here. The primary reference used for the 
Japan study is the 10-m mesh DEM produced by the 
Geographical Survey Institute (GSI) of Japan. The study 
focused on 4 GDEM2 tiles in central Honshu Island, spanning 
elevations from sea level to peaks exceeding 3000 meters. The 
impact of land cover on. GDEM2 elevation errors was 
determined by stratifying the GDEM2 against the GSI's 
“Subdivision Land Use Data of Digital National Land 
Information”, a 100-m land cover grid derived from satellite, 
aerial photography and field measurements. This land cover 
dataset was most recently updated in 2007. The Japan 
assessment included horizontal and vertical accuracy 
assessment against the GSI DEM, a horizontal resolution 
estimate against the GSI DEM decimated to variable 
resolutions, and an assessment of artifacts. 
2.2 CONUS validation 
The validation over the CONUS by the USGS (Gesch et al., 
2011) is described in another paper within this session and will 
not be treated here, other than comparing results between the 
various validation efforts. Briefly, the USGS approach 
estimated absolute vertical accuracy against global positioning 
system (GPS) measurements on over 18,000 geodetic 
benchmarks, and compared the GDEM2 against the US 
National Elevation Database (NED). This study evaluated the 
influences of land cover, especially “tall” cover such as forests, 
on the validation results. 
2.3 Global SRTM validation 
The NGA reproduced much of the work done for GDEMI, 
using the same 284 GDEM tiles as before, located at 20 
geographic areas globally (Krieger et al., 2011). The results 
from the current GDEM2 validation are based on either a 
comparison with global 1 arc-second Shuttle Radar Topography 
Mission (SRTM) digital terrain elevation data (“DTED level 2", 
or “DTED2”), or with the GDEMI. The NGA also did an 
extensive visual identification of artifacts in the GDEM2. 
2.4 Global ICESat validation 
The NASA Planetary Geodynamics group at the Goddard Space 
Flight Center (GSFC) evaluated the GDEM2 against data 
collected by the Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS) on 
board the Ice, Cloud and land Elevation satellite (ICESat) . The 
results are described in another paper in this session, and will 
not be treated here, other than in comparison with other 
validation studies (Carabajal, 2011). 
2.5 Characterization of horizontal resolution, artifacts. 
The JPL and ERSDAC teams estimated the horizontal 
resolutions of the GDEMs and other GDEMS, and characterized 
artifacts in the GDEM2. This study was based on comparisons 
to higher resolution DEMs derived from LIDAR and non- 
LIDAR sources. 
In summary, changes in the number of acquired ASTER stereo 
pairs and improvements in processing (water masking, smaller 
correlation kernel size, bias removal) have produced significant 
improvements in GDEM2 as compared to GDEMI. These 
improvements include increased horizontal and vertical 
accuracy, as compared to both GPS benchmarks and standard 
DEMs (GSI, NED, STRM DTED2), and improved horizontal 
accuracy and resolution (similar to the SRTM DTED2). 
The ERSDAC Japan study is summarized in table 1 below: 
Horizontal error 0.82* west 0.13* west 
0.47 “south 0.19 * north 
Flat Offset -4.8m -0.7 m 
Ver- terrain | Std Dev | 6.2 m 59m 
tical RMSE -- 6.1 m 
error Forest | Offset 22m 7.4 m 
terrain | Std Dev | 15.4 m 12.7 m 
RSME -- 15.1 m 
Horizontal resolution 3.8“ (114 m) 2.4” (72 m) 
Table 1: Results from the ERSDAC study (note: horizontal 
resolution estimates assume 1" — 30 m) 
This study determined: 
* The voids in northern areas have decreased due to new 
ASTER acquisitions. 
* The artifacts are significantly reduced as a result. 
* All lakes in the Japan study are rendered flat by the new 
water body detection algorithm (although inland water 
body problems exist elsewhere, as determined by JPL). 
The US/CONUS validation raised several important 
observations about the quality of elevation measurements 
contained in GDEM2, some of which are shown here in 
comparison to other results: 
* The overall RMSE of nearly two-thirds of a meter (8.68 m 
vs. 9.34 m of GDEMQ over GDEMI, along with an 
improvement in overall mean error (bias) in GDEM2 when 
compared with GDEMI (-0.20 m vs. -3.69 m), largely 
agrees with the ERSDAC study. 
* The influence of the GDEM2 by above ground features 
(tree canopies and built structures) is in agreement with the 
Japan study that also noted a positive bias over forest cover 
* The GDEM has elevations that are higher in the canopy 
than SRTM. This observation is based on both the 
comparison of GDEM2 with GPS benchmarks, as well as 
the GDEM2-SRTM differencing. Once again, this finding 
was reinforced in the Japan study, although the latter had a 
larger bias for tall cover types: 8.68 meters, compared to 
3.10 meters for the CONUS study (see Meyer et al. , 
* The improvement in accuracy due in the number of 
"stacking" scene DEMS used to derive elevation valuse is 
minimal beyond about 15 scenes, largely in agreement 
with the ICESat findings. 

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