Full text: Technical Commission IV (B4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B4, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
deformations. They found that the estimated relative rigid body 
motion and deformation parameters between the two reference 
frames are consistent (i.e., nearly zero estimates for the 
translations, rotations, and shear parameters), while the three 
strain parameters, which are similar in magnitude and sign, 
reveal a statistically significant scale difference of about 
0.9x10$ between the Chang’E-1 and SELENE reference 
Ping et al. (2009) used more than 3 million topographic 
measurements collected by the Chang’E-1 laser altimeter to 
produce an accurate global lunar topographic model named 
CLTM-s0l. A detailed comparison between CLTM-s01 and 
other lunar topographic data, including the Clementine LiDAR 
data and the ULCN 2005 was presented. Clementine LiDAR 
has 72548 valid laser points, which is less than 296 of the 
Chang’E-1 Laser Altimeter data. Clementine LiDAR data 
didn’t cover the whole Moon. There are some areas with no or 
sparse data, especially in the Polar regions. ULCN 2005 
combines all the historical stereo photos (e.g. Apollo photos, 
Clementine images), with the interpolated resolution of about 
6.8 km and the elevation accuracy of laser measurements 
approximate 100m, respectively. For the CLTM-s01 model, the 
resolution is about 7 km and vertical accuracy is about 31 m, 
respectively. The comparative analysis revealed that over the 
large Maria regions on the near-side of the Moon, the 
differences are very little within 200 m, however, over the far- 
side of the Moon these differences are quite large. The 
comparative results show that Chang'E-1 laser altimeter model 
is an improvement of earlier models, including the Clementine 
model and ULCN 2005, not only in data coverage and range 
measuring accuracy, but also in spatial resolution. 
Li et al.(2010) compared the DEMs (digital elevation model) 
generated from the Chang’E-1 data with those from the 
SELENE data using a wash-off relief map of the middle and 
low latitude. The results show an identical trend with similar 
data precision and spatial resolution. Li et al. (2010) also 
examined the differences of the highest and lowest points 
displayed in Chang'E-1 DEM and the SELENE DEM. For the 
highest point there is only subtle difference between the two 
DEMs, the point in SELENE DEM was about 100 m higher 
than the similar point on the Chang'E-1 DEM model. However, 
the plane position difference is up to 5.38 km for the lowest. 
The lowest point in Chang'E-1 DEM model was over 100 m 
higher than the lowest point in SELENE DEM model. 
For surface comparison or matching between different 
topographic data sets, vast of efforts have been performed in the 
past. Williams (1999) studied the registration of three 
dimensional data sets with rigid motions. The registration 
process is comprised of two steps: correspondence selection and 
motion estimation. Besl and Mckay (1992) developed an ICP 
(Iterative Closest Point) algorithm for surface matching. The 
basic theory of ICP is based on the search of pairs of the nearest 
points in the two sets, estimating the rigid transformation, and 
iteratively refining the transformation by repeatedly generating 
pairs of corresponding points on the two sets by minimizing an 
error metric. However, this algorithm required a lot of 
calculation due to the exhaustive search of the nearest point. 
Other researches proposed improved and accelerated algorithm 
based on the ICP method (Park and Subbarao, 2003). Dijkman 
and van den Heuvel (2002) presented a semi-automatic 
registration method based on the Least Square Matching 
method. The registration is performed using the parameters of 
the models measured in different scans. Gruen and Akca (2005) 
described an automatic method for surface registration using 
template shaped targets. In this algorithm, seven parameters 
including three transformations, three rotations, and one scale 
factor could be obtained synchronously. 
For the comparative analysis of lunar topographic models 
derived from different sources, only simple and straightforward 
methods were used in the past, and the comparisons were 
mostly focused on the global scale for the whole Moon. This 
research presents a detailed comparison of different lunar 
topographic models in specific local regions based on a strict 
least squares matching method. 
3.1 Overview of the Approach 
Different lunar topographic models derived from the Chang’E-1 
and SELENE laser altimeter data are used for comparative 
analysis in this research. The framework of the comparative 
analysis approach is illustrated in Figure 1. The least square 
adjustment model integrates topographic data derived from the 
Chang’E-1 and SELENE data using several conjugate points 
through a strict mathematic model. Conjugate points were 
carefully identified manually, which are obvious terrain features 
(e.g., mount peaks or centers of craters) and evenly distributed 
in the study region. After the least squares matching, seven 
parameters (one scale factor, three transformations, and three 
rotations) can be obtained. Finally, the detailed comparative 
analyses between these two data sets are performed. 
Topographic Models Topographic Models 
from Chang’E-1 Data form SELENE Data 
i i 
Conjugate Points 
Least Squares Matching 
Seven Transformation Parameters 
(One scale factor, three transformations, 
three rotations) 
| | 
Chang’E-1Topographic Models 
after Transformation 
; | 
Detailed Comparison Analysis 
Figure 1. Framework of the least square adjustment approach 
for the Chang’E-1 and SELENE laser altimeter data 
3.2 Surface Matching Based on Least Squares Method 
Due to the different times and the different sensors at different 
positions, from which Chang’E-1 laser altimetry data and 
SELENE laser altimetry data were obtained, the inconsistencies 
must exist between the two data sources. Assume s (x, y, z) and 
f (x, y, z) are conjugate regions of the Moon, from which 
Chang'E-l data (search surface) and SELENE data (template 

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