Full text: Technical Commission IV (B4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B4, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
for the data received from the other coastal observing platforms 
and their dissemination through web. 
The present systems building steps follows the procedure 
mentioned in Brovelli and Magni [1], for an archaeological 
WebGIS application, which includes following steps: 
= Data Acquisition 
= Database design, software choice and installation of 
= Data processing 
=  WebGIS files implementation and data loading 
" Performance tests and processing improvements 
The first step is data acquisition at a single source through 
different modes from various observing systems. The database 
is designed based on the parameters received and their 
frequency. Interoperable software has been selected to support 
the system which can interact with each other for reading data 
from database and successfully publishing the geo-referencing 
data on web. The data is processed for structuring the 
information and setting software for its mutual interaction and 
web utilization. Loading the respective data and setting files to 
interconnect with each other as a single WebGIS system is done 
The network of coastal observing systems in the seas around 
India is shown in Figure 1 to Figure 3. HF Radars has been 
installed in five coastal states consisting two sites in each states 
four in Bay of Bengal coast and one in Arabian Sea coast. 
These HF radars transmit the data in real-time to the data centre. 
ipaigur HF RADAR site 
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| Port Blair HF RADAR sitel 
Cuddalora HF RADAR site : 
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Figure 1. Locations of HF Radars 
HF Radar data i.e. total current vector file in ascii format has 
been acquired through scheduled FTP every hour, which 
contains spatial currents parameters. The main parameters in 
this data consists of : Longitude, Latitude, U component, V 
component, U Standard Deviation, V Standard Deviation, 
Covariance, X Distance, Y Distance, Range, Bearing, Velocity 
and Direction. Among these the most important parameter for 
publishing data into web are Longitude, Latitude, Velocity and 
Direction. Along with these different cartographic symbols, e.g. 
Arrow to represent the speed and direction of current on map 
and base maps has to be acquired for providing the webgis 
The locations of the Wave Rider Buoys installed along the 
Indian coast are shown Figure 2. The data on various wave 
parameters are transmitted in real time to the data centre at 
hourly interval. 
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Figure 2. Locations of Wave Rider Buoys 
The locations of the tide gauges are shown in the figure 2. The 
data on the sea lever at hourly interval was received offline and 
archived at the data centre. 
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Figure 3. Locations of Tide Gauges 
The WebGIS system includes following six open source 
= MySQL, a database server 
= Java, a programming tool to process data 
= UMN MapServer, a map engine 
" Apache WebServer, as a web server 
"  OpenLayers, to put dynamic map on web 
= A. Web browser, to view 
"  MapServer and other web facilities 
The Univeristy of Minnesota (UMN) MapServer is an open 
source platform that serves the purpose of displaying and 
querying dynamic data spatially. It supports several OGC web 
specifications, including WMS (Web Map Service), non- 

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