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Proceedings of
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sixth Intl. Symp.
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arth, Proceeding
Guoyuan Li *, Huabin Wang, Canhai Li
Satellite Surveying and Mapping Application Center. Beijing, China
KEY WORDS: HJ Satellite, Ortho-rectification, GCP Image Database, SIFT, Collinearity Equation
HJ satellite is the abbreviation of the Small Satellite Constellation of Environment and Disaster Monitoring and Forecasting in
China, which plays a very important role in forecasting and monitoring the environment problems and natural disasters. The ortho-
rectification of HJ images aided by GCP(Ground Control Point) image database is presented in this paper. The GCP image
database is constructed from historical LandSat-TM images and the GCP chip consists of image and geographic attribute
information. Then auto-searching and matching algorithm is introduced and mis-matching elimination method is presented. The
imaging model based on collinearity equation and the polynomial description of the attitude and position of scanning line is
utilized for ortho-rectification. Four scene images are experimented and compared, and the result demonstrated the feasibility and
high efficiency of the whole work flow.
With the increase of global environment problems and natural
disasters, the significance of remote sensing technology and
satellite images has been further recognized around the world.
In order to forecast and monitor the environment problems and
natural disasters, China has launched the Small Satellite
Constellation of Environment and Disaster Monitoring and
Forecasting in 2008, which is short for HJ satellite. HJ-1A/1B,
which can provide wide-area and multi-spectral satellite image
with the 30m resolution, has played a very important role in
obtaining satellite images during emergency management and
disaster monitoring[1].
It is clear that geo-rectification is an indispensable step for the
application of satellite images, especially the ortho-rectification.
Only based on the geographic information from image, other
information can be obtained more efficient and decision can be
made more scientific [2]. As the rapid response of disaster and
environment problems, automatic and high-efficiency geo-
rectification is very important for HJ-1A/1B image. There are
few researches on HJ-1 A/1B satellite geo-rectification, but the
fact is clear for HJ-1A/1B that the measurement accuracy of
attitude and position is very low, the attitude in particular,
Which can not satisfy the positioning requirement using the
figorous sensor model as SPOTS-HRS without or a few GCP
GCP Image Database, which consists of geography and image
attribute information, plays an important role in geometric
processing of remote sensing image, because it can offer
sufficient Ground Control Points and the possibility of auto-
In this paper, the GCP Image Database based on the historical
DOM image of Land-Sat TM, which has the same resolution
with HJ-1A/1B multi-spectral image, and then auto-matching
between GCP image chips and HJ-1A/1B image is
implemented, calculating the attitude and position of satellite
using rigorous collinearity model based on the matching results
is experimented.
Analyses on the difficulties of HJ-1 A/1B ortho-rectification
There are some mathematic or physic model about geo-
rectification or ortho-rectification, such as Polynomial model,
RFM(Rational Function Mode),Rigorous Sensor Model based
on the image vector and ephemeris parameters and so on[3,4,5].
For the HJ-1A/1B images, due to the wide imaging area which
is about 360km, the same polynomial model presenting the
relation between image point and object point for one scene
image can not satisfy the rectification requirement. What's
more, the frequency of ephemeris information recording is
about 8 second one time, and the interval is about 1831
scanning lines according to the Line-Scanning time of HJ-
1A/1B CCD camera. The low frequency of attitude recording
and imprecise of ephemeris parameters especially the attitude,
result in the imprecise position using the rigorous sensor model
based on ephemeris information or RFM which is the implicit
expression of rigorous sensor model.
Furthermore, the wide imaging area increases the difficulty of
collecting GCP points, especially the GCP data source and
GCP matching [6]. As a result, the conventional rectification
method by manually GCP collection operation is not realistic
for rapid response requirement of HJ-1A/1B. Consequently,
constructing GCP database and improving the efficiency of
GCP searching and matching are extraordinarily important.
Guoyuan Li Corresponding author. Major in Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Research focus on Remote Sensing Image
and LIDAR data processing. E-mail: