Full text: Technical Commission IV (B4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B4, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
M.Haeri', A.Fasihi, SM.Ayazi 
National Cartographic Center of Iran (Khorasan Branch), 61 Vakil abad Street, Vakil abad Blvd., P.O. Box 91775- 
1619, Mashhad, Iran - morihaeri@gmail.com, fasihi.ali@gmail.com, sma@ayazi.ir 
Commission IV, WG VIII 
KEY WORDS: GIS, Geodatabase, revision, spatial data 
In recent years, using of spatial database for storing and managing spatial data has become a hot topic in the field of GIS. 
Accordingly National Cartographic Center of Iran (NCC) produces - from time to time - some spatial data which is usually included 
in some databases. One of the NCC major projects was designing National Topographic Database (NTDB). NCC decided to create 
National Topographic Database of the entire country-based on 1:25000 coverage maps. The standard of NTDB was published in 
1994 and its database was created at the same time. In NTDB geometric data was stored in MicroStation design format (DGN) 
which each feature has a link to its attribute data (stored in Microsoft Access file). Also NTDB file was produced in a sheet-wise 
mode and then stored in a file-based style. Besides map compilation, revision of existing maps has already been started. Key 
problems of NCC are revision strategy, NTDB file-based style storage and operator challenges (NCC operators are almost preferred 
to edit and revise geometry data in CAD environments). A GeoDatabase solution for national Geodata, based on NTDB map files 
and operators’ revision preferences, is introduced and released herein. The proposed solution extends the traditional methods to have 
a seamless spatial database which it can be revised in CAD and GIS environment, simultaneously. The proposed system is the 
common data framework to create a central data repository for spatial data storage and management. 
In recent year population growth increases and changes in 
building and constructions make some change on maps. 
Determining of these changes on the old maps requires a 
comprehensive strategy. In our product line for collection of 
base maps in 1:25000 scales we attached element attribute. 
These maps are called NTDB maps (National Topographic 
Database). These data converted to a GeoDatabase that we 
called NGDB (National GeoDatabase). In our strategy we use 
ArcSDE and each editor connect to this database with a specific 
version. After editing, changes could be extracted and new 
attribute should attach to them. This strategy can reduce data 
redundancy and control of data entry could apply perfectly. 
2.1 National Topographic Database (NTDB) 
NTDB refers to standard map generation and attribute data that 
maintain compact and fully detailed maps. In this maps attribute 
data and spatial data are linked together. There is sufficient 
predefined layer for describing each feature in the map. Spatial 
data have an individual geometric attribute in the map and 
attributes are linked to these features via a Database 
Management System (DBMS). This kind of maps produced due 
to lack of desirable and applicable GIS environment in the past. 
" Corresponding author 
NTDB provide an excellent data source for further GIS 
2.2 National GeoDatabase (NGDB) 
NTDB data are not in an acceptable format for GIS projects. It 
should be optimized with newest format of GIS data. First of all 
a comprehensive data model introduced and a suitable schema 
for entering previous data based on predefined standards were 
published. This was called NGDB. In the second step all of 
features from NTDB must transfer to that well-defined schema. 
Because NTDB are stored in sheets, all of features in the 
boundary of sheet separated between two sheets. It makes some 
problem for further works or it causes difficulties for its 
representation. An application was established to remove this 
obstacle in these maps to made seamless NGDB. 
Our strategy is divided to three main parts. In each part we 
consider important details of revision trend. First of all, we 
must prepare spatial and conceptual data in a desire format. In 
the second step operators should extract changes and field 
surveying should prepare update conceptual information. In this 
part we prepare a user-friendly application to make this trend 
easier for operators. The last procedure is about controlling of 
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