Full text: Technical Commission IV (B4)

IX-B4, 2012 
1 othophotos (not 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B4, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
Assumption b) implies that data have to be previously prepared, 
outside of QuantumGIS environment. Certainly this is 
significant obstacle for an user, who has to order preparation of 
stereo component from orthophoto supplier (there is a module 
for generating stereo component in some photogrammetric 
software like Erdas or SocetSet). On the other hand there is no 
justification for need to create stereo ortophoto from aerial 
photographs in QuantumGIS itself. Considering this, user 
would have to know photogrammetric production line, and this 
contradicts popularisation of stereo visualisation among large 
number of recipients of GIS, which we are after. Besides, for 
that to happen user would need photographs along with 
orientation. elements. Knowing that preparation of stereo 
components isn't significant increase of effort in comparison to 
standard orthophoto creation procedure, one could hope that in 
short amount of time adequate data will surface provided by 
internet GIS oriented sites using WMS technology. Obviously 
WMS can be used as standard facility for providing anaglyph 
images. Therefore there are grounds for assumption that user 
would have access to stereo data without any special effort on 
his part. Such futuristic solution blend itself well into 
prerequisites of popularisation of stereo orthophoto among wide 
circle of GIS recipients presented in chapter 3. 
Sterco orthophoto flaw as shown in chapter 2 , namely 
distortion of height for vertical objects located in mountainous 
areas, can be corrected during measurement by introducing 
adjustments calculated from DTM. That is why such 
functionality is to be optionally included in developed 
application, and it is the reason why it was pointed out in 
assumption b) as a component of input data. 
Currently prototype application is being developed. As an 
intermediate solution on the way to achieve our goal 
stercoscopy tests are limited to vertical objects, or employing 
residual parallax between two orthoimages generated from 
adjacent photographs. Figure 3 shows such an anaglyph pair 
operated in QuantumGIS. 
G Quantum GIS1.7.1-Wroclaw 
Pk Edvcja  Widok \Warstwa Ustawienia Wtyczk — Wektor Raster Pomoc 
© e » 
Fig. 3. Example visualisation of stereo orthophoto in 
QuantumGIS environment (courtesy of MGGP AERO 
Company, Tarnow, Poland). 
The prospect of stereo orthophoto technique renaissance is very 
promising, especially now in the era of digital photogrammetry 
and advanced GIS development. In many countries, including 
EU members, the governmental photogrammetry projects are 
regularly conducted for cultivation control purposes, producing 
valuable sets of data. By using this existing data the 
stereoscopic pairs could be created with relatively little effort. 
The best way of stereo orthophoto popularization is GIS — the 
means of reaching out to wide variety of users. 
Stereo orthophoto does not compete with 3D vector models, 
since it is a totally different product, with a lot of advantages 
but also a few flaws. Stereo orthophoto should be perceived as 
a supplement of othophoto — so well adapted by geoinformation 
community.If users accepted orthophoto's visual model of 
reality, they should also accept the opportunity of seeing and 
exploring this model in 3D. One of the most important 
advantage of the stereo orthophoto product is its metrics, 
although slightly lower than obtain from classical 
photogrammetric models, but enough for many GIS tasks. The 
significant accuracy decrease, pointed in some publications (Li 
et al 2002, Wang 2004), of stereo orthophotos compared to 
classical photogrammetric models has not been confirmed 
during authors' research on photogrammetric data of digital 
camera images. Worth mentioning is the advantage of using 
digital camera with quite narrow field of view in mountainous 
areas due to minimization of the residual parallax distortion. 
Moreover, there is the possibility of compensating this 
deformations, which will be one of the option in created 
An essential condition for popularization of the stereo 
orthophoto is for geoportals to publish relevant data. Currently 
public and commercial geoportals offer only an orthophoto 
mosaics. However there is the potential for similar mosaics 
generation from stereo components. Production cost of such 
data is significantly lower than production of 3D, textured 
models - currently provided by a several commercial geoportals. 
Baltsavias E.P., 1996. Digital ortho-images — a powerful tool 
for the extraction of spatial- and gco-information. ISPRS 
Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing ,Vol. 51, Issue 
2, pp. 63-77. 
Blachut, TJ., 1971. Mapping and Photointerpretation System 
Based on Stereo-Orthophotos. ETH Zurich. 
Blachut, T.J., 1976. The Stereo-Orthophoto Technique in 
Cadastral and General Mapping. Photogrammetric Engineering 
and Remote Sensing, 42(12), pp.1511-1519. 
Chang H., Yu K., Joo H., Kim Y., Kim H., Choi J., Han D.Y., Eo 
Y.D., 2008, Stereo-mate generation of high resolution satellite 
imagery using a parallel projection model. Can. J.Remote 
Sensing vol. 34, pp. 57-67 
Collins, S.H., 1968. Stereoscopic orthophoto maps. The 
Canadian Surveyor, 22(1), pp. 167-176. 
Collins S.H., 1970.The Ideal Mechanical Parallax for Sterro- 
orthophoto.The Canadian Surveyor, 24(5) , pp. 561-568 

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